Translation of "Herum" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Herum" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Frag herum.
- Fragen Sie herum.
- Fragt herum.

Ask around.

- Ich führe dich herum.
- Ich führe euch herum.
- Ich führe Sie herum.

- I will show you around.
- I'll show you everything.

Er reist herum.

He travels around.

Tom dölmerte herum.

Tom was goofing around.

Sie liefen herum.

They walked around.

- Alle schrien.
- Alle haben geschrien.
- Ein jeder schrie.
- Alle schrien herum.
- Alle krischen herum.
- Alle kreischten herum.

Everyone screamed.

Das geht hier herum

So look, this goes round.

Killer laufen frei herum.

killers are on the loose.

Um ihn herum getötet.

are killed around him.

Er scherzt immer herum.

- He is always joking.
- He's always joking.

Tom albert gerne herum.

Tom likes to fool around.

Tom trollt nur herum.

Tom is just trolling.

Rings herum toben Menschen.

People are bustling about.

Er prahlte damit herum.

He bragged about it.

Eine Biene summt herum.

A bee is buzzing around.

Er führte mich herum.

He showed me around.

Tom läuft hemdlos herum.

Tom is shirtless.

Tom führte mich herum.

Tom showed me around.

Mein Computer spinnt herum.

My computer's acting strange.

Rings herum eilen Menschen.

People are bustling about.

Sie prahlte damit herum.

She bragged about it.

Er kommt viel herum.

He gets around a lot.

Mr. Schwanz hurt herum.

The penis is what commits adultery.

Ich führe dich herum.

I'll show you around.

Wir beide albern herum.

- We're crazy.
- We're both crazy.

Tom albert nur herum.

Tom's just larking about.

Tom kommandiert alle herum.

Tom bosses everyone around.

Maria kommandiert alle herum.

Mary bosses everyone around.

Die Jungen alberten herum.

The boys were goofing around.

Die ersten gehen herum,

the first go around,

- Halte es nicht verkehrt herum!
- Halten Sie es nicht verkehrt herum!

Don't hold it upside down.

- Er hatte seine Socken verkehrt herum an.
- Er hat seine Socken verkehrt herum an.
- Er trug seine Strümpfe links herum.

He had his socks on inside out.

Schau, das kommt da herum...

So look, this goes round...

Nun, um das Sonnensystem herum

well, surrounding the solar system

Stundenlang um das nest herum

for hours around the nest

Das Bild hing verkehrt herum.

The picture was hung upside down.

Er schlich herum zur Hintertür.

He sneaked around to the back door.

Sie reiste in Japan herum.

She traveled around Japan.

Tom lief im Adamskostüm herum.

Tom wore only his birthday suit.

Er läuft in Unterwäsche herum.

He's walking around in his underwear.

Er wühlt in Mülltonnen herum.

He's a dumpster diver.

Tom lief in Unterwäsche herum.

Tom was in his underwear.

Tom läuft ohne Hemd herum.

Tom is shirtless.

Drum herum waren Sitzgruppen hier.

All around were seating groups here.

Wenn jeder um dich herum

And if everyone around you

Renne nicht im Zimmer herum.

Don't run around in the room.

Im Zimmer lagen Bücher herum.

There were books lying about the room.

Die Nachricht sprach sich herum.

That news got around.

Er reiste im Land herum.

- He traveled throughout the country.
- He traveled around the country.

Das Bild hängt verkehrt herum.

The picture is hung upside down.

Was steht Tom da herum?

What's Tom standing there for?

Tom lungerte im Haus herum.

Tom loafed around the house.

Tom und Maria blödelten herum.

Tom and Mary were goofing around.

Tom hackt auf mir herum.

Tom picks on me.

- Stehe da nicht nur so herum!
- Stehen Sie da nicht nur so herum!

Don't just stand there.

- Er hatte seine Socken verkehrt herum an.
- Er trug seine Strümpfe links herum.

He had his socks on inside out.

Und lief dabei im Klassenzimmer herum --

and walk around the whole class at the same time,

In flüssiger Form um ihn herum

in liquid form around it

Eine Maus läuft im Zimmer herum.

A mouse is running about in the room.

Du trägst deinen Pullover verkehrt herum.

You're wearing your sweater inside out.

Wir tanzten um das Feuer herum.

We danced about the fire.

Er trug sein Unterhemd verkehrt herum.

He put on his undershirt inside out.

Er trug sein Hemd verkehrt herum.

He had his shirt on inside out.

Spiel nicht mit meinen Papieren herum.

Don't monkey around with my papers.

Wir spazierten um den Teich herum.

- We walked around the pond.
- We walked round the pond.

Ich wanderte herum für einige Zeit.

I wandered around for a while.

Ein Haufen lästiger Insekten flog herum.

There were a lot of annoying insects flying around.

Vorsicht! Ein Polizeispion schnüffelt hier herum.

Watch out! A police spy is snooping around.

Er war immer um mich herum.

He was always around me.

Tom kommandiert immer die Leute herum.

Tom is always bossing people around.

Tom nörgelt ständig an irgendetwas herum.

Tom is always grumbling about something.

Der Hut war oben herum schmutzig.

The hat was dirty around the top.

Tom führte mich im Park herum.

Tom showed me around the park.

Alles um ihn herum ist grau.

Everything around him is gray.

Wir saßen um das Lagerfeuer herum.

We sat around the campfire.

Dein T-Shirt ist verkehrt herum.

- Your T-shirt's on backwards.
- You have your T-shirt on backwards.

Spiel nicht mit dem Glas herum.

Don't play around with the glass.