Translation of "Allaient" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Allaient" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Où allaient-ils ?
- Où allaient-elles ?

Where were they going?

- Ils allaient ensemble.
- Elles allaient ensemble.

They went together.

- Ils allaient lui tirer dessus.
- Ils allaient la tuer.

They were going to shoot her.

Ils allaient la tuer.

They were going to shoot her.

- Ils ont annoncé qu'ils allaient divorcer.
- Ils annoncèrent qu'ils allaient divorcer.

They announced that they were getting a divorce.

Ils allaient à l'église ensemble,

they went to church together,

Les choses allaient donc bien.

So things were going OK.

Ils allaient lui tirer dessus.

They were going to shoot her.

Deux personnes allaient aux toilettes ensemble.

two people were going to the toilet together.

Que les tribunaux de Guantánamo allaient tomber.

That the Guantanamo tribunals were coming down.

Peu de gens allaient alors en faculté.

In those days, few people went to college.

Les villageois allaient célébrer le festival viticole.

Villagers were going to celebrate the wine festival.

Tous les arguments allaient dans la même direction.

All the arguments pointed in the same direction.

Tom et Marie savaient qu'ils allaient être virés.

Tom and Mary knew that they were going to be fired.

J'étais inquiet de ce que les gens allaient penser

I said that I was very worried about what people would think about me,

Chaque vendredi soir ils allaient se bourrer la gueule.

Every Friday night they went and got liquored up.

J'ai été surpris en apprenant qu'ils allaient se marier.

When they said they were going to get married, it blew my mind.

Durant lequel peu de personnes allaient me fixer du regard.

where fewer people stared at me, at least.

Ces gens allaient mieux parce qu'ils sont sortis d'une relation.

So, these people are doing better because they got out of a relationship.

Ils allaient prendre le crédit, ils tiraient par la porte.

They were going to take credit, they were firing through the door.

Ils allaient se lancer. Bien sûr, ils le veulent aussi.

They would kick themselves off. Of course they want that too.

Je pensais que Tom et Marie allaient encore à l'école.

I thought that Tom and Mary were still in school.

Ils allaient traverser la rivière quand ils entendirent une femme pleurer.

They are just about to cross the river when they hear a woman crying.

Où allaient-ils ? Est-ce que l’on sait où l’on va ?

Where were they going? Do we know where we are going?

Les gens qui ont pris ces décisions allaient perdre des millions ainsi

These were decisions made by people who had millions of dollars to lose,

S'ils allaient tout droit, ils atteindraient l'Antarctique et s'arrêteraient à la frontière.

If they went straight, they would reach the antarctica and stop at the border.

Tom et Mary m'ont dit qu'ils allaient apprendre le français l'année prochaine.

Tom and Mary have told me they'll study French next year.

Quand j'ai rencontré mon ancien professeur, il m'a demandé comment allaient mes parents.

When I met my former teacher, he inquired after my parents.

Puis je n'ai pas cessé de rencontrer des gens qui allaient à ce mariage,

But then I kept meeting people who were going to the same wedding,

Je pensais que les choses allaient s'améliorer mais en fait elles ne font qu'empirer.

I thought things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse.

- Mais les changements proposés se contrariaient l'un l'autre.
- Mais les modifications proposées allaient l'une à l'encontre de l'autre.

But the proposed changes contradicted one another.

- Mais les changements proposés se contrariaient l'un l'autre.
- Mais les modifications proposées allaient l'une à l'encontre de l'autre.
- Mais les changements proposés se contrarièrent l'un l'autre.

But the proposed changes contradicted one another.

Il y a dix ans, environ quarante mille filles allaient à l'école dans la province de Kounar, mais maintenant ce nombre a atteint soixante-douze mille.

Ten years ago, around forty thousand girls used to go to school in Kunarr, but now this number has reached to seventy-two thousand.