Translation of "Tuijottaen" in English

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Examples of using "Tuijottaen" in a sentence and their english translations:

Hän istui tuijottaen ulos ikkunasta.

She sat gazing out of the window.

Tomi istui hiljaa tuijottaen tuleen.

Tom sat quietly staring at the fire.

Tom kököttää päivät pitkät sisällä tuijottaen tietokonetta.

Tom stays inside all day staring at the computer.

"En pysty ajattelemaan tuossa metelissä," hän sanoi tuijottaen samalla kirjoituskonetta.

- "I can't think with that noise," she said, as she stared at the typewriter.
- "I can't think with that noise", she said as she stared at the typewriter.