Translation of "Underestimate" in Spanish

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Underestimate" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Never underestimate Tom.
- Don't ever underestimate Tom.

Nunca subestimes a Tom.

Don't underestimate it.

No lo subestimes.

Don't underestimate me.

No me subestimes.

Don't underestimate us.

No nos subestimes.

Don't underestimate Tom.

No subestimes a Tom.

You underestimate me.

Me subestimas.

- Don't underestimate my power.
- Do not underestimate my power.

No subestimes mi poder.

Don't underestimate the problem.

No subestimes el problema.

Don't underestimate his determination.

No subestimes su determinación.

Don't underestimate my power.

No subestimes mi poder.

Don't underestimate your opponent.

No subestimes a tu oponente.

Don't ever underestimate Tom.

Nunca subestimes a Tom.

Don't underestimate the Sumerian.

No menosprecies el sumerio.

But don't underestimate artificial intelligence,

Pero no subestimen a la inteligencia artificial

Incredible, but don't underestimate him.

Increíble. Digo, igual no lo subestimemos, es groso lo que hizo.

Never underestimate a protective mother.

Nunca subestimes a una madre protectora.

Never underestimate a woman's intuition.

Jamás subestimes la intuición de una mujer.

Do not underestimate my power.

¡No subestiméis mi fuerza!

Don't underestimate Tom's coping ability.

No subestimes la capacidad de Tom para arreglárselas.

You shouldn't underestimate a good colleague.

No debes menospreciar a un buen colega.

- Don't misunderestimate yourself.
- Don't underestimate yourself.

No te subestimes.

She tends to underestimate her own ability.

Ella tiende a menospreciar sus capacidades.

Because we really underestimate how much they change:

porque en realidad subestimamos lo mucho que esos intereses cambian.

Tom should be careful not to underestimate Mary.

Tom debería tener cuidado de no subestimar a Mary.

People have a tendency to underestimate their future needs.

Las personas tienden a subestimar sus necesidades futuras.

Don't underestimate him. Believe me, he'll make good on his threat.

No le subestimes; créeme, cumplirá su amenaza.

Soult’s warning not to underestimate Wellington’s army was dismissed by Napoleon: "You think

La advertencia de Soult de no subestimar al ejército de Wellington fue desestimada por Napoleón: "¿Crees

The American anthropologist Margaret Mead once said that one should never underestimate what a small group of dedicated people can accomplish.

La antropóloga estadounidense Margaret Mead dijo una vez que uno nunca debería subestimar lo que un pequeño grupo de personas dedicadas puede lograr.

A mistake young people often make is to start learning too many languages at the same time, as they underestimate the difficulties and overestimate their own ability to learn them.

Un error que cometen a menudo los jóvenes es el de comenzar a aprender demasiadas lenguas al mismo tiempo, porque subestiman sus dificultades y sobrestiman sus propias capacidades para aprenderlas.

Young people often underestimate the massive effort it takes to learn a foreign language and tackle several at a time, spreading themselves thin, which quickly leads to demotivation once they see their poor results.

Los jóvenes subestiman con frecuencia el esfuerzo colosal que representa el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera y se enfrentan a varias al mismo tiempo, dispersando así sus esfuerzos, lo cual conduce rápidamente a la desmotivación cuando se dan cuenta de sus malos resultados.