Translation of "Turned " in Spanish

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Turned " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Tom turned 13.
- Tom turned thirteen.

Tom cumplió 13 años.

- I have turned 20.
- I've just turned 20.
- I have turned twenty.

Acabo de cumplir 20 años.

- I have turned 20.
- I have turned twenty.

Cumplí veinte años.

- His face turned white.
- Her face turned white.

- Su cara palideció.
- Su cara se puso blanca.

- He turned 16 years old.
- He turned 16.

Ha cumplido 16.

- She turned 16.
- She turned 16 years old.

Ella cumplió dieciséis años.

- Tom turned the faucet on.
- Tom turned on the faucet.
- Tom turned the tap on.
- Tom turned on the tap.

- Tom dio la llave.
- Tom abrió la canilla.

- I turned the computer off.
- I turned off the computer.
- I turned off my computer.
- I turned my computer off.

Apagué la computadora.

He turned around.

- Él se volteó.
- Él se giró.

She turned 16.

Ella cumplió dieciséis años.

He turned Christian.

- Se convirtió al cristianismo.
- Se hizo cristiano.

I turned right.

Giré a la derecha.

He turned red.

- Él se puso rojo.
- Se puso colorado.

He turned traitor.

Se convirtió en un traidor.

Javier turned red.

Javier se puso rojo.

Muriel turned 20.

Muriel cumplió 20 años.

Tom turned away.

Tom se apartó.

Tom turned right.

Tom giró a la derecha.

I turned 16.

Cumplí 16 años.

He turned 40.

Él cumplió 40.

- You should've turned right.
- You should have turned right.

Deberías haber girado a la derecha.

- The light turned green.
- The light has turned green.

El semáforo se ha puesto verde.

- The traffic light turned green.
- The light turned green.

La luz del semáforo cambió a verde.

- Tom turned the faucet off.
- Tom turned off the faucet.
- Tom turned the tap off.

Tom apagó la llave.

- I turned on the lights.
- I turned the lights on.

Encendí la luz.

- Her face turned red suddenly.
- Her face suddenly turned red.

Su cara de repente se volvió roja.

- Tom turned off the faucet.
- Tom turned the tap off.

Tom cortó la llave.

- She turned down my proposal.
- She turned down my offer.

Ella rechazó mi oferta.

- The water turned to ice.
- The water turned into ice.

El agua se congeló.

- Tom turned the tap on.
- Tom turned on the tap.

Tom abrió la canilla.

- He turned off the light.
- She turned off the light.

- Ella apagó la luz.
- Él apagó la luz.
- Apagó las luces.

- She turned off the lights.
- She turned off the light.

- Ella apagó la luz.
- Apagó las luces.

- Tom turned off the computer.
- Tom turned the computer off.

Tom apagó el computador.

- I turned the computer off.
- I turned off the computer.

- Apagué la computadora.
- Apagué el ordenador.

- Who turned off the light?
- Who turned the light off?

¿Quién apagó la luz?

- Tom turned his flashlight on.
- Tom turned his torch on.

Tomás prendió su linterna.

- Tom turned off the alarm.
- Tom turned the alarm off.

Tom apagó la alarma.

- Yanni turned the TV up.
- Yanni turned the TV on.

Yanni encendió la televisión.

- It turned out true.
- It turned out to be true.
- It turned out to be the truth.

Resultó ser cierto.

Until I turned back.

hasta que retorné el camino

We turned our heads

giramos nuestras cabezas

The light turned red.

La luz se puso roja.

The milk turned sour.

La leche se ha cortado.

The soldiers turned traitor.

Los soldados se hicieron traidores.

I turned the doorknob.

Giré el pomo de la puerta.

She turned around quickly.

Ella se giró rápidamente.

Her face turned red.

- Su cara se puso roja.
- Su rostro se puso rojo.

He turned the key.

Él giró la llave.

He turned the corner.

Él dobló en esa esquina.

He has turned traitor.

Se ha convertido en un traidor.

The lights turned off.

Las luces se apagaron.

Tom has turned thirty.

Tom ha cumplido treinta.

Sabu turned FBI snitch.

Sabu se volvió un soplón del FBI.

She turned eighty-one.

Cumplió ochenta y uno.

Fate turned against him.

El destino se volvió en su contra.

The car turned right.

El carro dio vuelta a la derecha.

The weather turned better.

El tiempo mejoró.

The weather turned bad.

El tiempo empeoró.

They turned against Germany.

Ellos se pusieron en contra de Alemania.

The sky turned dark.

El cielo se oscureció.

I have turned 20.

Cumplí veinte años.

The light turned on.

La luz se encendió.

Her face turned pale.

Su rostro palideció.

Many were turned away.

Muchos fueron rechazados.

I turned myself in.

Me entregué.

Sami turned towards Layla.

Sami se volvió hacia Layla.

Tom turned the valve.

Tom giró la válvula.

Like a Mohammed turned Mo, or a Lisa Pizza turned Iman.

Así como Mohammed se vuelve Mo, o Lisa Pizza se vuelve Iman.

- I turned right.
- I turned my steering wheel to the right.

Giré el volante del coche hacia la derecha.