Translation of "Through  " in Spanish

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Through  " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Self-medicating through food, through television, through painkillers

se automedicaban con comida, TV, analgésicos y

He's American through and through.

Él es estadounidense de la cabeza a los pies.

- Let me through.
- Let me through!

¡Déjenme pasar!

... through life.

... por la vida.

Through "impeachment".

mediante el 'impeachment”

You're through.

Estás acabado.

I'm through.

He terminado.

We're through.

- Hemos terminado.
- Hemos concluido.

Is through supernovas and through supermassive stars.

es a través de las supernovas y de las estrellas supermasivas.

- Please let me through.
- Let me through, please.

¡Déjeme pasar, por favor!

- We fly through Taiwan.
- We flew through Taiwan.

Volamos por Taiwán.

That man is an egotist through and through.

Aquel hombre es un egoísta en todos los aspectos.

It's through widgets, it's through like those little

es a través de widgets, es a través de esos pequeños

To break through,

de avanzar

Down through history

A lo largo de la historia

Travel through time?

¿Viajar a través del tiempo?

And through history,

y a través de la historia,

Through digital technology,

A través de la tecnología digital,

You're wet through.

Estás empapado.

You'll pull through.

Te recuperarás.

We're halfway through.

Estamos a la mitad del trabajo.

Through Google Optimize.

a través de Google Optimize.

To click through.

hacer clic a través de.

And clicking through,

y hacen click en él,

- We'll get through this.
- We will get through this.

Superaremos esto.

- Three ways: through a webinar, through an opt-in,

- Tres formas: a través de un seminario web, a través de una opción de suscripción,

She and I did go through therapy through her adolescence,

Ambas fuimos a terapia durante su adolescencia

We can't go through there. We're going through somewhere else.

No podemos pasar por ahí. Pasamos por otro lado.

Tom won't have to go through what Mary went through.

Tom no tendrá que atravesar lo que María atravesó.

- Tom flipped through the pages of the magazine.
- Tom flipped through the magazine.
- Tom leafed through the magazine.
- Tom paged through the magazine.

Tom hojeó las páginas de la revista.

Somehow, through some miraculous

De forma casi milagrosa,

Through mind-body exercises.

a través de ejercicios mente-cuerpo.

Through the same door.

por la misma puerta.

Going through a phase,

pasando por una etapa,

Look, just through here.

Miren, por aquí.

Get through this ice.

Perforemos el hielo.

Through free, quality education,

a través de educación gratuita y de calidad,

Through the levelled palisades.

de las empalizadas niveladas.

Building connection through dialogue --

construyendo conexión a través del diálogo

Through another campaign entity

a través de otra entidad de campaña

You got through better.

Lo superaste mejor.

Through the iron lungs .

través de los pulmones de hierro .

Read through the article.

Dale una leída al artículo.

- I'm through.
- I'm done.

- He terminado.
- Estoy acabado.
- Lo dejo.

You'll get through this.

Superarás esto.

Go through the market.

Atravesar el mercado.

I'll get through it.

Lo superaré.

One listens through ears.

Uno escucha por los oídos.

Through hip hop music,

por el hip hop,

But through my efforts

pero con mi esfuerzo

Typically through elected representatives.

normalmente a través de representantes electos.

We flew through Taiwan.

Volamos por Taiwán.

The bill went through.

El proyecto de ley salió adelante.

Inhale through your nose.

Inspire por la nariz.

We got through it.

Lo superamos.

Water is seeping through.

Hay filtraciones de agua.

Who thought that through?

¿Quién pensó eso?

A Monday through Thursday,

un lunes a jueves,

Or through a quiz.

o a través de un cuestionario.

It's through push notifications.

Es a través de notificaciones push.

You may click through.

probablemente hagas click.

It's through actually doing.

Es por medio de hacer de verdad.

When you go through hard times or through a break-up,

Cuando tienes dificultades o experimentas una ruptura,

Helena, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Helena quiero que respire profundo por la nariz y saque por la boca.

- He came in through the window.
- He entered through the window.

Él entró por la ventana.

- He was looking through a microscope.
- He looked through the microscope.

Él miraba a través del microscopio.

DW: Breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth.

DW: Quiero que respire profundo por la nariz y saque por la boca.

- He walked through the forest.
- He took a shortcut through the forest.

Tomó un atajo a través del bosque.

- The river flows through the town.
- The river flows through the city.

El río fluye a través de la ciudad.

- Are you through with this book?
- Are you through reading this book?

¿Te has acabado este libro?

I've been through the wringer

He pasado por el anillo

And then often through antidepressants,

luego recurrían a los atidepresivos,

Through studies of the genome.

gracias al estudio del genoma.

But through experiments you realize

Pero te das cuenta por experimentos

Went through Évariste Galois' stomach.

atravesó el vientre de Évariste Galois.

So it quickly rose through

Rápidamente se convirtió

Go through the security checkpoint

pasaba por el control de seguridad

Halfway through the training sessions,

A mitad de las sesiones de entrenamiento,

And push through my fear

y sobreponerme a mi miedo

There's no way through that...

No hay forma de pasar.

Given everything she'd been through.

a pesar de por lo que había pasado.

But living through this process

Pero atravesar ese proceso

And through the Scientific Revolution,

Durante la Revolución Científica,

From slavery through mass incarceration,

De la esclavitud hasta el encarcelamiento masivo,

Through hard work and perseverance,

Con trabajo duro y perseverancia

Through sight, smell and echolocation,

Mediante la vista, el olfato y la ecolocalización,

Through devices of the future,

a través de dispositivos del futuro,

They fell through the ice.

cayeron a través del hielo.

Everything echoed through the canyons.

Todo hizo eco a través de los cañones.

Order to go through something.

para poder pasar por algo.

Trump fired him through Twitter.

es que Trump le fulminó por Twitter

Don't spit through the window.

No escupas por la ventana.

Through obedience learn to command.

Aprende a mandar a través de la obediencia.