Translation of "Them " in Spanish

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Them " in a sentence and their spanish translations:



They feed them, grow them

Los alimentan, los hacen crecer

- Keep them.
- You keep them.

- Guárdalos.
- Quédatelos.
- Guárdenselos.

- Tell them.
- Tell them that.


- Watch them.
- Look after them.

- Cuídalos.
- Cuídalas.

Have them learn them, and once they learn them,

Haz que los aprendan, y una vez que los aprenden,

- We've seen them.
- We could see them.
- We saw them.

- Los vimos.
- Los hemos visto.
- Las hemos visto.

- I'll notify them.
- I'll let them know.
- I'll inform them.

Les haré saber.

We'll see them, we'll test them,

les atendemos, les hacemos pruebas,

Tell them that we love them

decirles que los amamos

For them but also with them.

para ellos, pero también con ellos.

- I saw them.
- I've seen them.

- Los he visto.
- Los vi.

- I like them.
- I love them.

- Me gustan.
- Les quiero.

- Go with them!
- Go with them.

¡Ve con ellos!

- Everyone likes them.
- Everybody likes them.

A todos les agradan.

- Please help them!
- Please help them.

Por favor, ayúdalos.

- We helped them.
- We help them.

- Los ayudamos.
- Las ayudamos.
- Nosotros los ayudamos.
- Nosotros las ayudamos.
- Nosotras los ayudamos.
- Nosotras las ayudamos.

Don't abandon them, don't shun them.

no los aparten, no rehúyan de ellos.

Know about them, some them, no one's gonna know about them.

saber sobre ellos, algunos ellos, no sabrá sobre ellos.

- I've spoken with them.
- I spoke with them.
- I talked to them.
- I spoke to them.

Estaba hablando con ellos.

Stop them.

- Detenlos.
- Párales.

Ignore them.


Examine them.


Ask them.

- Preguntales.
- Pregúntales.

For them.

la dieta funciona .

That's them.

- Ahí están.
- Son ellos.
- Son ésos.

Screw them!

¡Que se jodan!

Teach them.


Join them.

Únete a ellos.

Manage them.


Fix them.


We don't burden them, we free them.

no les imponemos ataduras, les liberamos.

We like them and we approach them.

nos gustan y nos acercamos.

- Give them to me.
- Hand them over.

- ¡Dámelas!
- ¡Dámelos!
- Entrégamelos.

If you can't beat them, join them.

- Si no podéis vencerlos, uníos a ellos.
- Si no pueden vencerlos, únanse a ellos.
- Si no puede vencerlos, únase a ellos.

- I see them.
- I can see them.

Puedo verlos.

- I have killed them.
- I killed them.

Yo los maté.

We neglect them, we cut them off

les aislamos, les apartamos

Them, they can share them on Pinterest.

podrán compartirlas en Pinterest.

- She cannot stop them.
- He can't stop them.
- She can't stop them.

- No puede pararlos.
- Ella no puede pararlos.
- No puede pararlas.

During the meal, Jesus tells them that one of them will betray them.

Durante la comida, Jesús les dice que uno de ellos los traicionará.

It can help evaluating them; education creates them,

puede ayudar a evaluarlos, la educación los crea.

So I borrowed them, adapted them for ice,

Así que las tomé prestadas, las adapté al hielo

Who makes them and what is in them?

¿Quién los hace y qué tienen adentro?

- I didn't buy them.
- I didn't get them.

No los compré.

- He cannot stop them.
- He can't stop them.

No puede pararlos.

- She cannot stop them.
- She can't stop them.

- Ella no puede pararlos.
- No puede pararlas.
- Ella no las puede detener.

- Can you see them?
- Do you see them?

¿Las ves?

- Be kind to them.
- Be nice to them.

Sé amable con ellos.

- I'm going to stop them.
- I'll stop them.

Los voy a detener.

- Have you found them?
- Did you find them?

- ¿Los has encontrado?
- ¿Las has encontrado?

- I'm going to surprise them.
- I'll surprise them.

Los voy a sorprender.

- Did you sue them?
- Did you follow them?

¿Los demandastes?

- We're going to help them.
- We'll help them.

Los ayudaremos.

- Have you seen them?
- Did you see them?

- ¿Los ha visto?
- ¿Los has visto?
- ¿Los habéis visto?
- ¿Las has visto?
- ¿Las habéis visto?

- I do see them.
- I see them, indeed.

Sí que los veo.

- Do you blame them?
- Are you accusing them?

¿Los estás culpando?

- Did you murder them?
- Did you kill them?

¿Los mataste?

Wherever they are, find them, engage with them.

Donde sea que estén, encuentren ellos, comprometerse con ellos.

To them, interact with them, build that connection,

para ellos, interactuar con ellos, construye esa conexión,

And we use them, not affiliated with them.

Y los usamos, no afiliados con ellos.

- Tell them that someone was asking for them here.
- Tell them that there was someone here looking for them.

Diles que alguien les estaba buscando.

- I will kill them all.
- I'll kill them all.
- I'll kill all of them.

Los mataré a todos.

- We must help them.
- We've got to help them.
- We have to help them.

Debemos ayudarlos.

- I want to see them!
- I want to see them.
- I'd love to see them.
- I'd like to see them.

- Quiero verlos.
- Quiero verlas.

To love them.

para quererlos.

Some of them.

algunos de ellos.

Some of them,


Tell them again:

Díganles otra vez:

Was observing them

los estaba observando

But frighten them?

¿Pero asustarlos?

And copy them.

y copiarlos.

Look after them.


I know them.

Los conozco.

Laugh with them.

Ría con ellos.

Jesus answered them.

Jesus les respondió.

I see them.

- Los veo.
- Las veo.

Give them money.

Dales dinero.

Tom abandoned them.

- Tom las abandonó.
- Tom los abandonó.

Let them fight.

Déjalos pelear.

I miss them.

Los echo de menos.

We love them.

Los amamos.

Wake them up.


I'll call them.

Los llamaré.

Just follow them.

Solo síguelos.

I want them.

- Los quiero.
- Las quiero.