Translation of "Teasing" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Teasing" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

She stopped teasing me.

Dejó de darme carrilla.

He kept teasing me.

Él siguió burlándose de mi.

Tom was teasing Mary.

Tom estaba provocando a Mary.

Stop teasing Mary like that.

No te burles tanto de Mary.

Stop teasing Tom about that.

- Deja de chinchar a Tom con eso.
- Deja de vacilar a Tom con eso.

Stop teasing Tom and me.

Deja de burlarte de Tom y de mí.

Calm down; he's just teasing you.

Calmaos, solo os está pinchando.

- Tom teased Mary.
- Tom was teasing Mary.

Tom provocaba a Mary.

- I was only joking.
- I was just joking.
- I was only teasing.
- I was just teasing.
- I was only fooling.

Solo estaba bromeando.

I looked to see if he was teasing me.

Lo miré para ver si me estaba tomando el pelo.

- Tom kept making fun of me.
- Tom kept teasing me.

Tom siguió burlándose de mí.

From mocking or belittling someone to teasing people in ways that sting,

desde burlarse o menospreciar a alguien hasta molestarla de forma que se enfade,

- He kept making fun of me.
- He kept teasing me.
- He kept mocking me.

Él siguió burlándose de mi.

Anne was an excellent target for teasing because she always took things so seriously.

- Anne era un objetivo excelente para las burlas porque siempre se tomaba las cosas muy en serio.
- Anne era un objetivo excelente para las burlas porque siempre se tomaba las cosas muy a pecho.