Translation of "Rows  " in Spanish

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Examples of using "Rows  " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

And rows and rows of this light green coca leaf.

y filas y filas de esta hoja de coca verde claro

Tom sat two rows ahead of me.

Tom se sentó dos filas por delante de mí.

A canal flowed between two rows of houses.

Un canal fluía entre dos corridas de casas.

The matrix consisted of five rows and seven columns.

- La matriz constaba de cinco filas y siete columnas.
- La matriz estaba formada por cinco filas y siete columnas.
- La matriz consistía en cinco filas y siete columnas.

The queen has the ability to move as much as if she were a rook, that is, over the rows and columns, as if she were a bishop, that is, over the diagonals.

La dama tiene la capacidad de moverse tanto como si fuera una torre, es decir, sobre filas y columnas, como si fuera un alfil, es decir, sobre diagonales.