Translation of "Cloudy" in Spanish

0.098 sec.

Examples of using "Cloudy" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- It's cloudy.
- The weather is cloudy.

Está nublado.

- It's cloudy today.
- It is cloudy today.
- Today it is cloudy.

Hoy está nublado.

It's cloudy.

Está nublado.

- It's cloudy today.
- It is cloudy today.

Hoy está nublado.

- It was cloudy yesterday.
- Yesterday was cloudy.

- Ayer estuvo nublado.
- Ayer estaba nublado.

- It's cloudy today.
- It is cloudy today.
- The sky is cloudy today.

Hoy está nublado.

- It will be cloudy.
- It'll be cloudy.
- It's going to be cloudy.

Estará nublado.

Is it cloudy?

¿Está nublado?

It's getting cloudy.

Se está nublando.

Yesterday was cloudy.

- Ayer estuvo nublado.
- Ayer estaba nublado.

It'll be cloudy.

Estará nublado.

- It will be cloudy tomorrow.
- It'll be cloudy tomorrow.

Mañana estará nublado.

It's a cloudy day.

Es un día nublado.

It was cloudy yesterday.

- Ayer estuvo nublado.
- Ayer estaba nublado.

It will be cloudy.

Estará nublado.

It is cloudy today.

Es un día nublado.

Cloudy with occasional rain.

Nublado con lluvia ocasional.

- It was cloudy yesterday.
- Yesterday was cloudy.
- It was overcast yesterday.

Ayer estuvo nublado.

- Take your brolly – the sky's cloudy.
- Take your umbrella – the sky's cloudy.

- Agarra el paraguas que el cielo está nublado.
- Agarrá el paraguas que el cielo está nublado.

The sky is becoming cloudy.

El cielo se está nublando.

It was cloudy that night.

Esa noche estaba nublado.

It will be cloudy tomorrow.

Mañana estará nublado.

It's cloudy, but not raining.

Está nublado, pero no está lloviendo.

The sky is cloudy today.

Hoy el cielo está nublado.

Does it look cloudy today?

- ¿Parece nublado hoy?
- ¿Hoy parece estar nublado?

It wasn't cloudy this morning.

Esta mañana no estaba nublado.

- It was cloudy all day long today.
- It was cloudy all day today.

Estuvo nublado todo el día hoy.

This morning the weather is cloudy.

Esta mañana, el tiempo está nublado.

Was it cloudy in Tokyo yesterday?

¿Estaba nublado en Tokio ayer?

It's cloudy, but it's very warm.

Está nublado pero hace mucho calor.

They forecast it will be cloudy tomorrow.

El pronóstico es que mañana estará nublado.

It was cloudy all day long today.

Estuvo nublado todo el día hoy.

I cannot see the stars. It's cloudy.

No puedo ver las estrellas, está nublado.

It's getting cloudy. It may rain soon.

Se está nublando. Puede que llueva dentro de poco.

Tom hopes it won't be cloudy tomorrow.

Tom espera que no sea nublado mañana.

He wasn't crying, but his eyes were cloudy.

- No lloraba, solo le cayó hollín en los ojos.
- No lloraba, solo le fue humo a los ojos.

The sky is cloudy and it will rain.

El cielo está nublado y lloverá.

It being cloudy, I took my umbrella with me.

Está nublado, me llevo mi paraguas.

Today, it's cloudy and cold; it might snow tonight.

Hoy está nublado y hace frío; quizá nieve esta noche.

As it was cloudy, we could not enjoy the view.

Como estaba nublado, no pudieron disfrutar la vista.

- The sky is becoming cloudy.
- The sky is getting dark.

El cielo se está nublando.

- The sky is becoming cloudy.
- The sky has become overcast.

El cielo se está nublando.

In the morning, the sky was clear; now it's cloudy.

En la mañana, el cielo estaba despejado, ahora está nublado.

It's cloudy today. Why don't we go to the beach tomorrow?

Hoy está nublado. ¿Por qué no vamos a la playa mañana?

I really like a cloudy sky. Why? I don't even know.

Me gusta mucho un cielo nublado. ¿Por qué?, ni yo sé.

On cloudy days, you can hear distant sounds better than in clear weather.

En los días nublados puedes oír los sonidos lejanos mejor que con un buen tiempo.

AB: Yes, and it'll be cloudy on that day too If I am not mistaken.

Si, y estará nublado también, si no me equivoco.

Tomorrow's weather won't be so good, with cloudy skies, heavy snow, and very cold temperatures.

Mañana va a hacer mal tiempo. No va a hacer sol, va a nevar y va a hacer frío.

Titan's black rivers and black lakes of methane were a sight to behold with ringed Saturn and the faint distant sun in the cloudy horizon.

Los ríos negros de Titán y los negros lagos de metano eran un deleite para la vista, con el anillado Saturno y el débil Sol en el nublado horizonte.