Translation of "Cared" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Cared" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Tom cared.

- Tom se preocupó.
- Tom se preocupaba.
- A Tom le importaba.

He never cared.

A él nunca le importó.

No one cared.

A nadie le importó.

- No one would've cared.
- No one would have cared.

A nadie le hubiera importado.

Who actually cared about me,

que realmente se preocupaba por mí,

She cared for her son.

Ella cuidaba de su hijo.

She cared for his wound.

Ella cuidó su herida.

Tom didn't know Mary cared.

Tom no sabía que a Mary le importara.

- I thought you cared about Tom.
- I thought that you cared about Tom.

Pensaba que Tom te importaba.

He could not have cared less.

No le podría haber importado menos.

She always cared about my health.

Ella siempre se preocupaba por mi salud.

She cared for her sick mother.

Cuidó de su madre enferma.

I cared little for his opinion.

No me gustó nada de nada su opinión.

Tom cared for his sick father.

Tom se ocupó de su padre enfermo.

You never cared much for me.

- Nunca te preocupé demasiado.
- Nunca te ocupaste demasiado de mí.

And they deserve to be cared for.

y porque ellos merecen nuestra atención.

You've never cared about anyone but yourself.

- Jamás te has preocupado por nadie más que por ti mismo.
- Jamás te has preocupado por nadie más que por ti misma.

People who cared for me and loved me.

a personas que se preocupaban por mí y me amaban.

You are loved and you are cared for.

Alguien los ama y los quiere ayudar.

He cared for him to survive until today

se preocupó por él para sobrevivir hasta hoy

She cared for her father until his death.

Ella cuidó a su padre hasta su muerte.

I still cared about how I looked, of course,

Todavía me preocupaba mi aspecto, por supuesto,

And cared little about the future of our country.

y les preocupaba poco el futuro de nuestro país.

- No one seems to care.
- No one would've cared.

A nadie le parece importar.

Who cared for the dog when you were away?

¿Quién cuidó al perro cuando no estabas?

He cared for his mother after his father died.

Cuidó de su madre después de que muriera su padre.

Places where kids feel safe and cared about and valued.

lugares donde los niños se sientan seguros, cuidados y valorados.

Because the things I cared about, I couldn't see online.

porque las cosas que me importaban no las veía en línea.

Mary cared for Tom's daughter while he was in jail.

Mary cuidó a la hija de Tom mientras él estuvo en la cárcel.

I wonder if you have ever really cared for me.

- Me pregunto si de verdad me quieres.
- Me pregunto si de verdad me has querido.

While they were on vacation, their neighbors cared for their dog.

Cuando ellos estaban de vacaciones, sus vecinos cuidaron al perro.

I realized that I was cared for, and that I was loved.

Me di cuenta de que me mimaron, y de que me encantó.

I dedicated my time and effort into something I really cared about,

dediqué mi tiempo y esfuerzo a algo que realmente me interesaba

- I think it's time for me to admit that I never cared about you.
- I think it's time for me to admit I never cared about you.

Creo que es hora de admitir que nunca me importaste.

If I cared about all your criticism, I wouldn't be where I am.

Si le diera importancia a todas sus críticas, no estaría donde estoy.

And how many of you have cared about a certain animal in your life?

Y ¿cuántos de vosotros os habéis encariñado con un animal en vuestra vida?

I think it's time for me to admit that I never cared about you.

Creo que es hora de admitir que nunca me importaste.

- I cared for the rabbits when I was at school.
- I looked after the rabbits when I was at school.

Cuidaba de los conejos cuando iba al colegio.

Once upon a time, there lived an extremely vain emperor who cared a lot about his clothes but not his people.

Érase una vez un emperador extremadamente vanidoso, que se preocupaba mucho por su vestuario pero no por su pueblo.

The doll lived for a very long time, being well cared for and loved, but bit by bit, it lost its charm.

La muñeca vivió durante mucho tiempo, siendo bien cuidada y amada, pero poco a poco, perdió su encanto.