Translation of "Attorney" in Spanish

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Attorney" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Attorney charges attorney fee

Abogado cobra honorarios de abogado

- I'm an attorney.
- I'm a lawyer.
- I am an attorney.

Soy abogado.

I want an attorney.

Quiero un abogado.

I called my attorney.

Llamé a mi abogado.

You don't have an attorney.

Ud. no tiene abogado,

Tom is a great attorney.

Tom es un gran abogado.

An immigrant who has an attorney

Un inmigrante que tiene un abogado.

- He's a lawyer.
- He's an attorney.

- Es abogado.
- Él es abogado.

- She's a lawyer.
- She's an attorney.

Es abogada.

- I'm Tom's attorney.
- I'm Tom's lawyer.

Soy el abogado de Tom.

You have the right to an attorney.

Tienes derecho a un abogado.

I can sign by power of attorney.

Con el poder notarial puedo firmar.

- I want a lawyer.
- I want an attorney.

Quiero un abogado.

I want to speak with my attorney, now.

Quiero hablar con mi abogado, ahora.

You should confer with your attorney on this matter.

Deberías consultar con tu abogado sobre este asunto.

- I'm an attorney.
- I'm a lawyer.
- I am a lawyer.

Soy abogado.

The members of the jury listened carefully to the attorney.

Los miembros del jurado escucharon cuidadosamente al abogado.

The defense attorney jumped to his feet and shouted "Objection!"

El abogado defensor se puso en pie de un salto y gritó "¡Protesto!".

The defense attorney asked for mercy for the condemned man.

El abogado defensor pidió piedad para el condenado.

- If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.
- If you can't afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

Si no se puede permitir un abogado, se le proporcionará uno.

The defence attorney achieved a plea deal of ILS 5 million.

El procurador de la defensa alcanzó un acuerdo negociado con el ILS por 5 millones.

- Why don't you consult a lawyer?
- Why don't you consult an attorney?

¿Por qué no consultás con un abogado?

May I introduce Attorney Tammi, a new student. Mrs. Virtanen, the Finnish teacher.

Permitame presentarle, el juez Tammi, un nuevo estudiante, profesora Virtanen la profesora de finés.

But Maduro’s assembly, filled with loyalists, convened anyway and it swiftly removed attorney

Pero la asamblea de Maduro, llena de lealistas, se reunió de todas maneras y rápidamente removió a la Fiscal

Agency Director, and the powerful Jeff Sessions, the General Attorney, are at all stakes,

del Medio Ambiente y el poderoso Jeff Sessions, el fiscal general, copan todas las apuestas,

- I want to speak with my attorney, now.
- I want to speak with my lawyer, now.

Quiero hablar con mi abogado, ahora.

If you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.

Si no te puedes permitir un abogado, se te asignará uno de oficio antes de cualquier interrogatorio, si es lo que quieres.