Translation of "Adequately" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Adequately" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Nunca atribuyas a la maldad lo que puede ser explicado por la estupidez.

Once the Romans gained a firm footing and were adequately reinforced the Islanders were

Una vez que los romanos tuvieron un paso firme y estaban reforzados adecuadamente los isleños no fueron

Health care, but did not adequately fund those liabilities" Mr. Bronin, to Democrat and Mayor of Hartford)

care, but didn’t adequately fund those liabilities,” Mr. Bronin, a Democrat and Mayor of Hartford)

With my limited English proficiency, I'm not able to translate this adequately. So I hope someone will agree to translate this.

Me gustaría que alguien me ayudase a hacer la traducción, ya que con mi nivel de inglés no podría hacerla correctamente.