Translation of "He " in Russian

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "He " in a sentence and their russian translations:

- He chuckled.
- He giggled.
- He sneered.

- Он хихикал.
- Он хихикнул.

- He said that he understood.
- He said he understood.

Он сказал, что понимает.

- He said that he agreed.
- He said he agreed.

Он сказал, что согласен.

- He said that he didn't agree.
- He said he didn't agree.
- He said he disagrees.

Он сказал, что не согласен.

- He said that he was alone.
- He said he was lonely.
- He said he was alone.

Он сказал, что он один.

- He said that he was cold.
- He said he felt cold.
- He said he was cold.

Он сказал, что ему холодно.

- He did everything he could.
- He did all that he could.
- He did all he could.

Он сделал всё, что мог.

- He thinks he knows everything.
- He believes he knows everything.

- Он думает, что все знает.
- Он думает, что всё знает.

- He enjoys what he does.
- He likes what he does.

Ему нравится то, что он делает.

- He denied he killed her.
- He denied he murdered her.

Он отрицал, что убил её.

- He said he believed her.
- He said he believes her.

Он сказал, что верит ей.

- He admitted he killed her.
- He admitted he murdered her.

Он признал, что убил её.

- He says he knows her.
- He says he knows them.

- Он говорит, что знает её.
- Он говорит, что знает их.

- He was crying.
- He shouted.
- He screamed.

Он кричал.

He came, he saw, and he lost.

Он пришёл, увидел и проиграл.

He isn't who he says he is.

Он не тот, за кого себя выдаёт.

He says he has everything he needs.

Он говорит, что у него есть всё, что нужно.

- He said that he wasn't prepared.
- He said that he wasn't ready.
- He said he wasn't ready.

Он сказал, что не готов.

He believes he will

Он верит, что он

- He quit.
- He resigned.

Он вышел в отставку.

- He shouted.
- He screamed.

Он кричал.

- He spoke.
- He talked.

Он разговаривал.

- He smiled.
- He smirked.

- Он улыбнулся.
- Он улыбается.

- He chuckled.
- He stammered.

Он хихикнул.

He said he disagrees.

Он сказал, что не согласен.

- He saw that he was wrong.
- He saw he was wrong.

Он увидел, что он неправ.

- He said that he loved me.
- He said he loved me.

Он сказал, что любит меня.

- He said he would come.
- He said he would have come.

Он сказал, что придёт.

- He said that he was happy.
- He said he was happy.

Он сказал, что счастлив.

- He said that he was hungry.
- He said he was hungry.

- Он сказал, что голоден.
- Он сказал, что хочет есть.

- He thinks he knows everything.
- He thinks he knows it all.

Он думает, что все знает.

- He thinks he knows everything.
- He thinks that he knows everything.

Он думает, что знает всё.

- He said that he was disappointed.
- He said he was disappointed.

Он сказал, что разочарован.

- He said he didn't feel anything.
- He said he felt nothing.

Он сказал, что ничего не чувствует.

- He says that he teaches French.
- He says he teaches French.

Он говорит, что преподаёт французский.

- He said that he was satisfied.
- He said he was satisfied.

- Он сказал, что доволен.
- Он сказал, что удовлетворён.

- He said that he wasn't tired.
- He said he wasn't tired.

Он сказал, что не устал.

- He said that he was innocent.
- He said he was innocent.

Он сказал, что он невиновен.

- He said that he needed money.
- He said he needed money.

Он сказал, что ему нужны деньги.

- He said that he was married.
- He said he was married.

Он сказал, что он женат.

- He knows that he needs help.
- He knows he needs help.

Он знает, что ему нужна помощь.

- He said that he was eating.
- He said he was eating.

Он сказал, что ест.

- He said that he was afraid.
- He said he was afraid.

Он сказал, что ему страшно.

- He said that he liked rain.
- He said he liked rain.

Он сказал, что любит дождь.

- He said that he isn't sick.
- He said he wasn't sick.

Он сказал, что не болен.

- He said that he isn't busy.
- He said he wasn't busy.

Он сказал, что не занят.

- He knows that he was wrong.
- He knows he was wrong.

- Он знает, что был неправ.
- Он знает, что был не прав.

- He said that he wasn't thirsty.
- He said he wasn't thirsty.

Он сказал, что не хочет пить.

- He knew that he was right.
- He knew he was right.

Он знал, что прав.

- He says that he did that.
- He says he did that.

Он говорит, что сделал это.

- He said that he was sick.
- He said he was sick.

Он сказал, что болен.

- He said he was poor.
- He said that he was poor.

Он сказал, что он беден.

- He said he was busy.
- He said that he was busy.

Он сказал, что занят.

- He said that he felt betrayed.
- He said he felt betrayed.

Он сказал, что чувствует себя преданным.

- He admitted that he was wrong.
- He admitted he was wrong.

Он признал, что не прав.

- He says he didn't see anything.
- He says he saw nothing.

Он говорит, что ничего не видел.

- He said that he was sleepy.
- He said he was sleepy.

Он сказал, что хочет спать.

- He said that he liked snow.
- He said he liked snow.

Он сказал, что любит снег.

- He said that he was ready.
- He said he was ready.

Он сказал, что готов.

- He said that he was dying.
- He said he was dying.

Он сказал, что умирает.

- He said that he was bored.
- He said he was bored.

Он сказал, что ему скучно.

- He said he liked her.
- He said that he liked her.

Он сказал, что она ему нравится.

- He denied he knew her.
- He denied that he knew her.

- Он отрицал, что знает её.
- Он отрицал, что знаком с ней.

- He says he despises her.
- He says that he despises her.

Он говорит, что презирает её.

- He said that he wasn't Canadian.
- He said he wasn't Canadian.

Он сказал, что он не канадец.

- He said he should go.
- He said that he had to leave.
- He said that he has to go.
- He said he had to go.

Он сказал, что ему надо идти.

- He said that he was a Canadian.
- He said that he was Canadian.
- He said that he's Canadian.
- He said he was a Canadian.
- He said he was Canadian.

Он сказал, что он канадец.

- He said he would come.
- He said he would have come.
- He said that he would come.
- He said that he'd come.
- He said he'd come.

Он сказал, что придёт.

- He said there's nothing he can do.
- He said that he could do nothing.
- He said he couldn't do anything.
- He said he could do nothing.

Он сказал, что ничего не может сделать.

- He gave in.
- He gave up.
- He surrendered.

Он сдался.

- He replied that he did not know.
- He said that he didn't know.
- He said that he doesn't know.

Он ответил, что он не знает.

- He said that he wanted to go.
- He said he wanted to leave.
- He said he wanted to go.

- Он сказал, что хочет пойти.
- Он сказал, что хочет поехать.

- He told me that he loved me.
- He told me he loved me.
- He told me he loves me.

Он сказал мне, что любит меня.

- He maintained that he was innocent.
- He insisted that he was innocent.

Он настаивал на том, что он невиновен.

- He tried, and he got it.
- He tried, and he did it.

- Он попробовал, и у него получилось.
- Он пытался, и у него получилось.
- Он попробовал и сделал это.

- He adores him.
- He worships him.
- He adores it.
- He worships it.

- Он его обожает.
- Он её обожает.

- He said that he was really upset.
- He said he was frustrated.

Он сказал, что очень расстроен.

- He said that he didn't feel cold.
- He said he wasn't cold.

Он сказал, что ему не холодно.

- He said he couldn't speak French.
- He said he didn't speak French.

Он сказал, что не говорит по-французски.

- He told me that he didn't agree.
- He told me he disagreed.

Он сказал мне, что не согласен.

- He said that he wasn't married.
- He said that he was unmarried.

Он сказал, что не женат.

- He may do whatever he wants.
- He can do anything he wants.

Он может делать что хочет.

- He claims he didn't do that.
- He claims he didn't do it.

Он утверждает, что не делал этого.

- He said that he felt tired.
- He told me he felt tired.

Он сказал, что чувствует себя уставшим.

- He said he could do it.
- He said he could do that.

Он сказал, что может это сделать.

- He told me he was well.
- He told me he was OK.

Он сказал мне, что он в порядке.

- He got mugged.
- He got robbed.
- He was mugged.
- He was robbed.

Его ограбили.

- He does whatever he wants to do.
- He does what he wants.

Он делает что хочет.

- He got away.
- He disappeared.
- He escaped.
- He ran away.
- He's escaped.

Он сбежал.

- He said he would come and he did come.
- He said he'd come and he did.

Он сказал, что придет, и он пришел.

- He talks as if he knew everything.
- He speaks as if he knew everything.
- He speaks as though he knew everything.
- He talks as though he knew everything.
- He talks as if he knows everything.

- Он говорит так, будто всё знает.
- Он так говорит, как будто всё знает.
- Он говорит так, будто знает всё.
- Она говорит так, как будто всё знает.

- He said that he was going to help.
- He said he was going to help.
- He said that he would help.
- He said that he'd help.
- He said he would help.
- He said he'd help.

Он сказал, что поможет.

- He said that he wouldn't do that.
- He said that he wouldn't do it.
- He said he wouldn't do it.

- Он сказал, что не будет этого делать.
- Он сказал, что не сделает этого.

- He said that he was really busy.
- He said that he was very busy.
- He said he was very busy.

Он сказал, что очень занят.

- He said that he knows the rules.
- He said that he knew the rules.
- He said he knows the rules.

Он сказал, что знает правила.

- He said that he would try.
- He said that he'd try.
- He said he would try.
- He said he'd try.

Он сказал, что попробует.

- He said that he would wait.
- He said that he'd wait.
- He said he would wait.
- He said he'd wait.

Он сказал, что подождёт.