Translation of "“marshal" in Japanese

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Examples of using "“marshal" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Marshal Suchet

ルイ・ガブリエル・スーシェ 元帥 は、繁栄した絹商人の息子であるリヨンで生まれました。

Marshal Ney


Marshal Soult


Marshal Bessières


Marshal Macdonald


Marshal Masséna

アンドレ・マッセナ 元帥

3. Marshal Berthier

3. ルイ=アレクサンドル

2. Marshal Lannes


1. Marshal Davout


To Marshal Ney.

ネイ元帥に 任せました 。

12. Marshal Oudinot


11. Marshal Victor


10. Marshal Murat

10. 宿屋の主人の息子である 元帥のムラト・

18. Marshal Bernadotte


17. Marshal Augereau


16. Marshal Lefebvre


15. Marshal Mortier

彼のランクおよび名誉が1820 15.元帥モルティエ エドゥアール・モルティエ に彼の死の前に、今年彼に復元された

14. Marshal Marmont


In Marshal Murat’s absence.


13. Marshal Saint-Cyr


Supported by Marshal Bessières cavalry.

、即興の橋を渡りました 。

Advice - much to Marshal Berthier’s annoyance.


Chief of staff, replacing Marshal Berthier.

として、ソウルトを彼の新しい 参謀長 として選ぶことでした

Created a Marshal in 1804, status,  

1804年に元帥を創設し、地位、 富、健康 状態の

Thanks to the intercession of Marshal Macdonald.

thanks to the intercession of Marshal Macdonald.

I make you a Marshal of France...


When Marshal Lannes died of his wounds,  


In 1808, Marshal Victor and First Corps  


Lannes had to work closely with Marshal Murat,  

ランヌは 、エジプトでの脱落以来の激しいライバル で ある

His chief of staff, the future Marshal Soult,  


He demanded to fight a duel with Marshal Soult,  

彼 は、皇帝の前で彼を愚かに見せた

Exactly why Napoleon kept  his best Marshal in Hamburg  


Marshal Murat that would’ve allowed the enemy to escape.

、敵が逃げることを許したであろうムラット元帥 からの命令を無視するように勧め

With the exalted rank of ‘Marshal General of France’.


He blamed Marshal Bessières for his lack of support.


Bernadotte was blamed for  failing to support Marshal Davout  

ベルナドッテは アウエシュテットの戦いで

In 1804 Napoleon made Lefebvre  an Honorary Marshal – honorary,  


And Marmont, with support from  Marshal Moncey’s National Guard.  

モルタル とマーモントの 下の軍隊に落ちました 。

As Governor of Aragon, Marshal Suchet behaved very differently.

アラゴンの行政を握ったスーシェ元帥の行動は 特異なものだった

With no sign of support from  Marshal Bernadotte’s First Corps,  


His troops had to be rescued by Marshal Lannes’ corps.


Marshal Saint-Cyr remains  one of the great ‘what-ifs’  

は、ナポレオン戦争 の偉大な「もしも」 の

Taking command of Marshal Moncey’s  Third Corps, Lannes routed a Spanish  

加わった 。 ランヌはモンシー元帥の第3軍団の指揮を執り、

Lannes’ old rival Marshal Bessières  was placed under his temporary command.  


His corps commanders, especially Marshal Ney, were scathing of his conduct.


Promotion to Marshal and the title  Duke of Bellumo swiftly followed.


Hesitant and muddled, and nearly led to  Marshal Davout’s corps being encircled.


But he was ‘the indispensable Marshal’, whose  brilliant administration and tireless work  


Marshal Lannes’ death was a great  blow to Napoleon and the army.


The Marshal who led Napoleon’s vanguard  in four of his greatest campaigns.


The Marshal himself was injured when  his dying horse rolled over him,  


The moment highlighted the gulf in  charisma between a Marshal like Ney,  

その瞬間 は、軍隊に愛されていた ネイのような元帥 とそうではなかったダヴウトの

Then on Marshal Lannes’ recommendation, Napoleon gave him command of Third Corps,


His subordinates, already underwhelmed by his appearance, were outraged that the Marshal


Including the crushing victory at Ocaña,  operating alongside another friend, Marshal Soult.

スペイン軍に対する一連の勝利を勝ち取るのを手伝いました 。 モルティエはフランスに呼び戻され

The army’s temporary commander - Marshal  Berthier – nearly left Davout to be cut off. 


Including Napoleon’s chief of staff, Marshal  Berthier – and perhaps even the Emperor himself.

、多くの人が彼が1つか2つのペグを降ろすのを見た がっていました。

And saved only by the quick intervention  of Marshal Ney, Eugène and Poniatowski.


In 1804, Napoleon proclaimed a new empire, and Ney was made a Marshal.


Marshal Ney was among the most inspirational battlefield commanders in history: a born


Later in 1809, Soult replaced Marshal Jourdan as King Joseph’s chief military advisor,


In 1811, with Marshal Masséna’s army stalled outside Lisbon, Napoleon ordered Soult to


Soult’s record as a Marshal was mixed – a brilliant and intelligent organiser, whose

。 マーシャルとしてのソウルトの記録はまちまちでし た。マスターストロークを提供したり、軍隊を勝利に導いたりする能力が時間とともに衰え

But he was past his best by the time he became a Marshal.


Three weeks later, Murat and Marshal Lannes,  who normally couldn’t stand each other,  


Being wounded twice, and winning praise from  his commander, the future Marshal Lefebvre.


On the Eastern Front, German Field Marshal von Hindenburg launches a Winter Offensive,


Than a million francs per year from the  Emperor – more than any other Marshal.

以上の寄付金を受け取りました 。これは他のどの元帥よりも多い 金額 です。

In May, a confusing order to Marshal  Ney contributed to his late arrival at  

。5月、ネイ元帥への紛らわしい命令が 、バウツェンの戦い への彼の到着の遅れ

When Napoleon heard the first report, he was  incredulous. “Your Marshal must have been  

ナポレオンが最初の報告を聞いたとき、彼は信じられないほどでした。 「あなたの元帥は 二重に見え

When Davout got into a row with Marshal  Murat, whom he regarded as incompetent,  


“Marshal Suchet, you have grown greatly since we last saw one another!” the Emperor


In 1810, he joined Marshal Masséna for the invasion of Portugal, but deeply resented

ました。 1810年、彼はポルトガル侵攻のためにマセナ元帥に加わりましたが 、彼の指揮下に置かれることに

1813, though his relations with the Emperor, and Marshal Berthier in particular, were increasingly

を通して奉仕を続けました が、皇帝、特に元帥との関係はますます

Soult learned much from Lefebvre (a future fellow-Marshal), serving first as his chief

。 ソウルトはルフェーブル(将来の仲間の元帥)から多くのことを学び、最初 は参謀

In 1804 Bessières became a Marshal – less for any great military achievement, than for

1804年、ベシエールは元帥になりました 。ナポレオンの内輪の忠実なメンバーである

– they’d rather watch another Marshal fail, than help them to win all the glory.


His replacement Marshal Augereau had arrived, he  was nearly court martialled again for desertion.

後任のオージュロー元帥が到着 する前に激怒したまま 、彼は脱走のために再び軍法会議にかけられた。

For the death penalty for Marshal Ney -  a decision he later claimed to regret.

2人の現役元帥のうちの1人でした 。彼は後に後悔したと主張しました。

And long-running feud with the Emperor,  meant he was never a great Marshal.


This delighted Napoleon, who rewarded him  a year later with the rank of Marshal.


The king received a minor wound, but  Marshal Mortier and 17 others were killed.


He was the senior Marshal in Paris  when the Allies attacked on 30th March.  


On their left flank Marshal Macdonald led Tenth Corps, with a large Prussian contingent…

左翼ではマクドナル元帥が第Ⅹ軍団と プロイセン軍部隊を率いる

While two French corps under Marshal Lannes began a second, bloody siege of Zaragoza,


And we're going to need to marshal as many of these tools as we can

私たちは こうしたツールを できるだけ多く集めないといけません

But what difference the ‘Iron Marshal’ might  have made at Bautzen, Dennewitz, Leipzig or Laon,  


Worse, in 1805 he was effectively demoted, being given command of a division in Marshal

ナポレオンによって作成された元帥のリストに含まれていませんでした 。 さらに悪いことに、1805年に彼は事実上降格され、 ランヌ

Later that year, he joined forces with Marshal Masséna’s Army of Portugal, to take on

その年の後半、彼はマセナ元帥のポルトガル軍と協力して 、フエンテスデオニョーロの戦いでウェリントンの軍隊

When he was made a Marshal by Napoleon in 1804, he seemed distinctly underwhelmed, and

1804年にナポレオンによって元帥にされたとき、彼は明らかに圧倒さ れて いるように見え、

Napoleon, a notoriously bad shot, was to blame, but the loyal Marshal Berthier claimed responsibility.


Of his corps at the height of the battle, covered by Marshal Bessiéres cavalry charge.

戦闘の最盛期に、ベシエール騎兵隊の突撃隊によってカバーされた彼の軍団の 複雑な再配置を組織することができました 。

But when he was made subordinate to Marshal  Masséna, a man whom he personally detested,  

イタリア中部でフランス軍を指揮しました が、彼が個人的に嫌悪したマセナ元帥に従属させ

A month later at Friedland, Oudinot and his  grenadiers were under Marshal Lannes’ command, and  

ていました。 1か月後、フリードランドで、ウディノと彼の擲弾兵はランヌ元帥の指揮下にあり

In 1812 Marshal Oudinot led Second Corps into  Russia, but was wounded again at Polotsk,  


His big break came in 1807, stepping in for  the wounded Marshal Bernadotte to command  

彼の大ブレイクは1807年に起こり、負傷したベルナドッテ元帥が フリードランドの第1軍団

Close to success. He was furious the next  day when King Joseph and Marshal Jourdan  


His unfair dismissal, he told the Emperor: “Marshal Victor has not forgotten his old trade.  

ことに腹を立て、屈辱を与えた、と 彼は皇帝に語った。「ビクター元帥は彼の古い貿易を忘れていません。

When Napoleon left the army to return to  Paris, he gave command to Marshal Murat.


What’s more Bernadotte had immediately got on  the wrong side of the future Marshal Berthier,  

さらに、ベルナドッテは、 ナポレオンの参謀長である ベルナドッテ元帥