Translation of "Serious…" in Hungarian

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Serious…" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

- Get serious.
- Be serious.

- Légy komoly!
- Legyél komoly!

- Get serious.
- Get serious!

Legyél komoly!

- Tom's serious.
- Tom is serious.

Tom komoly.

- I'm serious.
- I'm being serious.

Komolyan mondom.

- It's not serious.
- This isn't serious.

- Ez nem komoly.
- Ez semmi komoly.

- I'm being serious.
- I'm being serious!

Komolyan mondom.

- Is it serious?
- Is this serious?

Ez komoly?

- You're not serious.
- You aren't serious.

Ez nem mondod komolyan.

- It's not serious.
- It isn't serious.

- Ez nem komoly.
- Nem komoly.

Get serious.

Legyél komoly!

We're serious.

Komolyan gondoljuk.

That's serious.

Ez komoly.

I'm serious.

- Komolyan mondom.
- Komolyan beszélek.

Be serious.

Legyél már komoly!

- Are you serious?
- Are you being serious?

Ezt komolyan gondoljátok?

- It's nothing serious.
- It's not anything serious.

Semmi komoly.

- You cannot be serious.
- You can't be serious.
- You cannot be serious!

Ezt nem gondolhatod komolyan!

- Tom's serious.
- Tom means it.
- Tom is serious.

Tom komolyan gondolja.

I'm not serious.

Nem vagyok komoly.

This is serious.

Ez komoly.

Are you serious?

- Komolyan mondja?
- Komolyan mondod?
- Ez most komoly?
- Komolyan gondolod?

Let's get serious.

Fordítsuk komolyra a szót!

It's nothing serious.

- Ez nem komoly.
- Semmi komoly.

It's quite serious.

Elég komoly.

It's deadly serious.

Halál komoly.

Were they serious?

Ezt komolyan gondolták?

They were serious.

Komolyan voltak.

Let's be serious.

Legyünk komolyak.

That was serious.

Komoly volt.

I'm dead serious.

Én nagyon komoly vagyok.

They seem serious.

Komolynak tűnnek.

That's pretty serious.

Ez elég komoly.

We aren't serious.

Nem mondjuk komolyan.

Is it serious?

Ez komoly?

It was serious.

Komoly volt.

I'm serious now.

Most komoly vagyok.

It's getting serious.

- Kezd komollyá válni.
- Ennek már a fele sem tréfa!
- Ez egyre súlyosabb!
- Eszkalálódik a helyzet.
- Kezd eldurvulni.
- Kezd elfajulni.

It's something serious.

Ez valami komoly.

Were you serious?

Komolyan mondtad?

- It is a serious problem.
- It's a serious problem.

Ez egy komoly probléma.

- You are in serious trouble.
- You're in serious trouble.

Komoly bajban vagy.

- There is a serious problem.
- There's a serious problem.

Van egy súlyos probléma.

- Tom has a serious problem.
- Tom has serious problems.

Tomnak komoly problémái vannak.

The trouble is some people took it actually serious-serious.

Az a baj, hogy volt, aki komolyan vette.

- He was a serious Buddhist.
- She was a serious Buddhist.

Komoly buddhista volt.

One was very serious.

Az egyik nagyon komoly volt.

Your condition isn't serious.

Nem súlyos az állapota.

Are you being serious?

- Ezt komolyan gondolja?
- Ez komoly?

They look so serious.

Olyan komolynak tűnnek.

This could be serious.

Ez komoly lehet.

It's a serious commitment.

Ez egy komoly kötelezettség.

It's a serious matter.

Ez egy komoly ügy.

I'm serious about this.

Komolyan gondolom ezt az egészet.

This is getting serious.

Egyre komolyabbá válik ez.

It was nothing serious.

Nem volt komoly.

It doesn't seem serious.

Ez nem tűnik fontosnak.

These are serious difficulties.

Ezek komoly nehézségek.

Tom's condition isn't serious.

Tom állapota nem súlyos.

Tom is getting serious.

- Tom komolyodik.
- Tom kezd megkomolyodni.

It wasn't that serious.

- Ez nem volt komoly.
- Nem volt annyira komoly.

This is serious stuff.

- Ez komoly dolog.
- Az komoly dolog.

This time it's serious.

Ezúttal komoly a dolog.

Is it something serious?

Ez komoly?

It was really serious.

Nagyon komoly volt.

Serious inquiries only, please.

Komoly kérdéseket kérek.

Things have gotten serious.

Komollyá váltak a dolgok.

Tom's injuries aren't serious.

Tom sérülései nem komolyak.

That might be serious.

Ez komoly is lehet.

We're facing serious problems.

Komoly problémákkal nézünk szembe.

Those are serious problems.

Ezek súlyos problémák.

It's deadly serious now.

Ez most halálosan komoly.

- This is a very serious matter.
- This is a very serious issue.

- Ez egy igazán komoly dolog.
- Ez egy nagyon komoly ügy.

I made a serious mistake.

Nagyot hibáztam.

- I mean it!
- I'm serious.

Komolyan mondom.

He committed a serious crime.

Komoly bűncselekményt követett el.

I know you're not serious.

Tudom, hogy nem gondolod komolyan.

I'm sure it's nothing serious.

Biztos vagyok benne, hogy nem komoly.

We have to be serious.

Komolynak kell lennünk.

There will be serious consequences.

Súlyos következményei lesznek.

She made a serious mistake.

Súlyos hibát vétett.

I'm serious! OK, I'm kidding.

Komolyan mondom! Na jó, csak viccelek.

The situation is growing serious.

A helyzet egyre komolyabbá válik.

I have a serious question.

Van egy komoly kérdésem.

She wants a serious relationship.

Komoly kapcsolatra vágyik.

That's a very serious accusation.

Ez nagyon komoly vád.

I had a serious accident.

Komoly balesetem volt.