Translation of "Carnivorous" in French

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Carnivorous" in a sentence and their french translations:

- That animal is not carnivorous.
- That is not a carnivorous animal.
- That animal isn't carnivorous.
- That's not a carnivorous animal.

Cet animal n'est pas carnivore.

This botanist specializes in carnivorous plants.

Ce botaniste est spécialiste des plantes carnivores.

And it's carnivorous, which is also rare.

et tout aussi rare, elle est carnivore.

Did you know there are carnivorous tortoises?

Saviez-vous qu'il existe des tortues carnivores ?

And there were also carnivorous and herbivorous reptiles --

mais aussi des reptiles carnivores et herbivores,

The genet, mongoose and weasel are small carnivorous animals that love to feed on snakes and rodents and sometimes wreak havoc in poultry houses.

La genette, la mangouste et la belette sont de petits animaux carnivores qui adorent se nourrir de serpents et de rongeurs et font parfois des ravages dans les poulaillers.