Translation of "'were'" in Finnish

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "'were'" in a sentence and their finnish translations:

- You were asleep.
- You were sleeping.

Sinä olit unessa.

- They were killed.
- They were murdered.

Heidät murhattiin.

- You were mistaken.
- You were wrong.

Sinä erehdyit.

We were poor, but we were happy.

- Me olimme köyhiä, mutta onnellisia.
- Olimme köyhiä, mutta onnellisia.
- Olimme me köyhiä, mutta onnellisia.

- What were you like when you were thirteen?
- What were you like when you were thirteen years old?

Millainen olit kolmetoista vuotiaana?

They were three and they were all armed.

Heitä oli kolme ja heillä oli aseet.

- Her teeth were white.
- His teeth were white.

Hänen hampaansa olivat valkoiset.

- His parents were farmers.
- Her parents were farmers.

Hänen vanhempansa olivat maanviljelijöitä.

What were you like when you were fifteen?

Millainen olit viisitoistavuotiaana?

- They were cousins.
- They were first cousins.
- They were male and female first cousins.

He olivat serkuksia.

We were surprised.

Olimme hämmästyneitä.

Supplies were cheap.

Tarvikkeet olivat halpoja.

All were present.

Kaikki olivat läsnä.

We were reading.

- Me olimme lukemassa.
- Olimme lukemassa.

We were friends.

Me olemme ystäviä.

Many were slain.

Monet teurastettiin.

Were you crying?


You were happy.

Te olitte onnellisia.

They were angry.

He olivat vihaisia.

We were ready.

Me olimme valmiita.

Both were naked.

- Molemmat olivat nakuna.
- Molemmat olivat alasti.

You were great.

- Olit upea!
- Olit mahtava!

Were you optimistic?

- Olitteko toiveikkaita?
- Olitteko optimistisia?

Were you angry?

- Olitko vihainen?
- Olitko sinä vihainen?

Were you jealous?

Olitko kateellinen?

They were drunk.

- He olivat humalassa.
- Ne oli kännissä.
- He olivat juopuneita.

They were deserters.

- He olivat karkureita.
- He olivat rintamakarkureita.

They were interested.

He olivat kiinnostuneita.

You were listening.

- Sinä kuuntelit.
- Kuuntelit.

You were overwhelmed.

- Jouduit tunnekuohun valtaan.
- Häkellyit.
- Olit musertunut.

They were laughing.

He nauroivat.

They were confused.

He olivat hämillään.

You were sensible.

Olit järkevä.

You were charming.

- Olit hurmaava.
- Olit charmantti.

Were you there?

Olitteko siellä?

Were you intoxicated?

- Olitko humalassa?
- Olitko juovuksissa?
- Olitko päihtyneenä?
- Olitko juopuneena?
- Olitteko juopuneina?
- Olitteko humalassa?
- Olitteko juovuksissa?
- Olitteko päihtyneinä?
- Olitko sinä päihtyneenä?
- Olitko sinä juovuksissa?
- Olitko sinä humalassa?
- Olitko sinä juopuneena?
- Olitteko te juopuneina?
- Olitteko te humalassa?
- Olitteko te juovuksissa?
- Olitteko te päihtyneinä?

We were outside.

Olimme ulkona.

Were you tired?

Olitko väsynyt?

Were you busy?

Oliko sinulla kiire?

Were you serious?

Olitko vakavissasi?

They were evacuated.

- Heidät vietiin turvaan.
- Heidät evakuoitiin.

We were persistent.

Me olimme sinnikkäitä.

They were dreaming.

He näkivät unta.

We were bored.

- Meillä oli tylsää.
- Me olimme tylsistyneitä.
- Olimme tylsistyneitä.
- Meitä porattiin.

We were engaged.

Olimme kihloissa.

We were newlyweds.

- Olimme nuoripari.
- Olimme hiljattain menneet naimisiin.

We were prisoners.

Olimme vankeja.

They were soldiers.

He olivat sotilaita.

They were there.

He olivat siellä.

They were thrashed.

He olivat hakattuja.

You were rude.

Olit töykeä.

We were waiting.

- Me odotimme.
- Odotimme.
- Olimme odottamassa.
- Me olimme odottamassa.

Were you sleeping?


They were mine.

Ne olivat minun.

You were young.

Olitte nuoria.

You were cheated.

- Teitä huijattiin.
- Teitä petkutettiin.
- Teidät petettiin.

Where were they?

Missä he olivat?

Republicans were furious.

Republikaanit olivat raivoissaan.

We were happy.

- Olemme onnellisia.
- Me olemme onnellisia.

Heretics were executed.

Harhaoppiset teloitettiin.

Heretics were tortured.

Harhaoppisia kidutettiin.

You were speeding.

- Ajoit liian nopeasti.
- Sinä ajoit liian nopeasti.
- Ajoit liian kovaa.
- Sinä ajoit liian kovaa.

Were they lying?

- Valehtelivatko he?
- Valehtelivatko ne?

Were you drinking?

- Joitko sinä?
- Joitko?

Where were you?

- Missä sinä olit?
- Missä olit?

You were right.

- Olit oikeassa.
- Sinä olit oikeassa.

Were you nervous?

- Olitko hermostunut?
- Jännittikö?

Were you home?

Olitko kotona?

Were you fat when you were in high school?

Olitko sinä lukioaikana lihava?

- On what grounds were you fired?
- Why were you fired?
- What were you fired for?

- Miksi sinut irtisanottiin?
- Millä perusteilla sinut irtisanottiin?
- Millä perusteilla sait potkut?
- Mistä syystä sinut irtisanottiin?
- Mistä syystä sait potkut?

- I wish you were dead!
- I wish you were dead.

Olisitpa kuollut!

All the houses were shaking and alarms were ringing everywhere.

Kaikki talot tärähtelivät ja hälytykset soivat kaikkialla.

- How many were there?
- How many of them were there?

Kuinka monta siellä oli?

- We were all very touched.
- We were all very moved.

Me olimme kaikki hyvin liikuttuneita.

What kind of games were popular when you were young?

Millaiset leikit olivat suosittuja, kun olit nuori?

- The children were swimming in the altogether.
- The children were skinny dipping.
- The children were swimming in the nude.
- The children were swimming naked.

Lapset uivat alasti.

There were 1,200 porters...

Kantajia oli 1 200...

His parents were farmers.

Hänen vanhempansa olivat maanviljelijöitä.

They were acting strangely.

He käyttäytyivät kummallisesti.

Where were you born?

Missä sinä synnyit?

We were very happy.

Olimme tosi onnellisia.

They were very happy.

He olivat hyvin onnellisia.

Forty people were present.

Paikalla oli neljäkymmentä ihmistä.

The results were spectacular.

Tulokset olivat vaikuttavat.