Translation of "Waterdamp" in English

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Examples of using "Waterdamp" in a sentence and their english translations:

Een wolk is gecondenseerde waterdamp.

A cloud is condensed steam.

Die de waterdamp door de atmosfeer jaagt.

which moves the moisture through the atmosphere.

Veel tieners denken dat deze apparaten waterdamp produceren

Now, many teens think that these devices produce water vapor,

Onze atmosfeer bevat 21% zuurstof, dat nodig is om te ademen, 78% stikstof en 0,9% argon. De andere 0,1% bestaat uit waterdamp, koolstofdioxide, neon, methaan, krypton, helium, xenon, waterstof, distikstofmonoxide, koolmonoxide, stikstofdioxide, zwaveldioxide en ozon.

Our atmosphere contains 21% oxygen, which is necessary for us to breathe, 78% nitrogen, and 0.9% argon. The other 0.1% consists of water vapor, carbon dioxide, neon, methane, krypton, helium, xenon, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone.