Translation of "اتمنى" in English

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Examples of using "اتمنى" in a sentence and their english translations:

اتمنى ان تغادروا اليوم

I hope that you leave today

اتمنى أن يوافق الجميع.

- I hope that everyone will agree.
- I hope that everybody will agree.
- I hope everybody will agree.
- I hope everyone will agree.

" اوه، اتمنى ان أنال اعجابهم."

"Oh, I hope that they'll like me."

اتمنى لو كنت اخبرتنى من قبل

I wish you'd told me before.

اذا كان تركيزنا الكلي في المواعدة هو" اتمنى ان انال اعجابهم"

If our entire focus in dating is "I hope that they like me,"

تلقينا الانتقادات ، ولكن كان لدينا الكثير من المرح. اتمنى ان تستمتع ايضا

We received criticism, but we had a lot of fun. I hope you have fun too