Translation of "أجابت" in English

0.211 sec.

Examples of using "أجابت" in a sentence and their english translations:

- أجابت باكيةً.
- أجابت و هي تبكي.

- She answered with tears.
- She answered in tears.

أجابت باكيةً.

She answered with tears.

هل تعلمون ماذا أجابت؟

You know what she replied?

حسناً، لقد أجابت على الهاتف.

Well, she answers the phone.

أجابت ليلى برسالة من عندها.

Layla responded with a letter of her own.

أجابت: "وضعك ليس بجيد أو بسيء.

And she said, "It's neither good nor bad.