Translation of "Kaplıydı" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Kaplıydı" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tablo tozla kaplıydı.

The table was covered with dust.

Tepeler karla kaplıydı.

The hills were covered with snow.

Makine tozla kaplıydı.

The machine was coated with dust.

Bıçak kanla kaplıydı.

The knife was covered in blood.

O, çürüklerle kaplıydı.

He was covered with bruises.

Saha karla kaplıydı.

The field is covered with snow.

Tom kanla kaplıydı.

Tom was covered in blood.

Dağ, karla kaplıydı.

- The mountain was covered with snow.
- The mountain was covered in snow.

Şehrimiz duman kaplıydı.

Our city was covered with smog.

Duvar yazılarla kaplıydı.

The wall was covered with graffiti.

O, dövmeleriyle kaplıydı.

She covered her tattoos.

Sokaklar karla kaplıydı.

- The streets were covered with snow.
- The streets were covered in snow.

Tom morluklarla kaplıydı.

Tom was covered in bruises.

Çatılar karla kaplıydı.

The roofs were covered with snow.

Zemin tozla kaplıydı.

The floor was covered with dust.

Ağaçlar karla kaplıydı.

The trees were covered with snow.

Zemin karla kaplıydı.

The ground was covered in snow.

Mobilya toz kaplıydı.

The furniture was covered in dust.

Masa tozla kaplıydı.

The table had been covered with dust.

O çamurla kaplıydı.

He was covered with mud.

Dağ karla kaplıydı.

The mountain was covered with snow.

Tom çamurla kaplıydı.

Tom was covered with mud.

Resepsiyon tozla kaplıydı.

The desk was covered with dust.

Leyla kanla kaplıydı.

Layla was covered in blood.

O, tamamen tozla kaplıydı.

It was all covered with dust.

Tepe tamamen karla kaplıydı.

The hill was all covered with snow.

Tüm mobilya tozla kaplıydı.

All the furniture was covered with dust.

Bütün ülke karla kaplıydı.

The whole country was covered with snow.

Dağın zirvesi karla kaplıydı.

The mountain peak was covered with snow.

Duvar boya ile kaplıydı.

The wall was coated with paint.

Onun odası tozla kaplıydı.

His room was covered with dust.

Onun elleri çamurla kaplıydı.

His hands were covered with mud.

Onun yüzü çamurla kaplıydı.

His face was covered with mud.

Kaldırım dökülen yapraklarla kaplıydı.

The sidewalk was covered with fallen leaves.

Odasının duvarları posterlerle kaplıydı.

The walls of her room were covered in posters.

Bütün yer karla kaplıydı.

The whole place was covered in snow.

Fuji Dağ'ı karla kaplıydı.

Mt. Fuji was covered with snow.

Tepeden tırnağa çamurla kaplıydı.

- He was covered with mud from head to foot.
- He was covered in mud from head to foot.

Kuş beyaz tüylerle kaplıydı.

The bird was covered with white feathers.

Onun yüzü kanla kaplıydı.

His face was covered in blood.

Çocuklar tamamen çamurla kaplıydı.

The boys were completely covered in mud.

Dağın tepesi karla kaplıydı.

The top of the mountain is covered with snow.

Gökyüzü tamamen bulutlarla kaplıydı.

The sky was all covered with clouds.

Bütün kasaba karla kaplıydı.

The whole town was covered in snow.

Alanlar yoğun karla kaplıydı.

The fields were covered by heavy snow.

Dan'in bıçağı kanla kaplıydı.

Dan's knife was covered with blood.

Bahçe düşmüş yapraklarla kaplıydı.

The garden was covered with fallen leaves.

Tom'un vücudu morluklarla kaplıydı.

Tom's body was covered with bruises.

Leyla'nın gömleği kanla kaplıydı.

Layla's shirt was covered in blood.

Tom'un gömleği kanla kaplıydı.

Tom's shirt was covered with blood.

Sami'nin yüzü kanla kaplıydı.

Sami's face was covered in blood.

Tom'un yüzü çürüklerle kaplıydı.

Tom's face was covered in bruises.

Evin yan tarafı sarmaşıkla kaplıydı.

The side of the house was covered with ivy.

Bu sabah yerler buzla kaplıydı.

The ground was covered with frost this morning.

Tom eve geldiğinde çamurla kaplıydı.

Tom was covered in mud when he came home.

O baştan aşağı çamurla kaplıydı.

- He was covered with mud from head to foot.
- He was covered in mud from head to foot.

Champ du Feu karla kaplıydı.

The Champ du Feu was covered in snow.

Fuji dağının tepesi karla kaplıydı.

- The top of Mt. Fuji was covered with snow.
- The peak of Fujiyama was covered with snow.

Tom'un evi tamamen karla kaplıydı.

Tom's house was completely covered in snow.

Tüm şehir sarı toz kaplıydı.

The entire city was covered in yellow dust.

Onun vücudu kahverengi kürkle kaplıydı.

His body was covered with brown fur.

- Terle kaplıydı.
- Kan ter içindeydi.

He was covered with sweat.

Fuji dağının zirvesi karla kaplıydı.

- The summit of Mt. Fuji was covered in snow.
- The peak of Fujiyama was covered with snow.

Köpek baştan ayağa çamur kaplıydı.

The dog was covered in mud from head to foot.

Mutfak soluk sarı çinilerle kaplıydı.

The kitchen was lined with pale yellow tiles.

Elbise mavi kadife ile kaplıydı.

The dress was covered with blue velvet.

Merdiven toz ve pas ile kaplıydı.

The ladder was covered with dust and rust.

Tom uyandığında her şey karla kaplıydı.

When Tom woke up, everything was covered with snow.

Mary mutfağa girdiğinde, zemin suyla kaplıydı.

When Mary entered the kitchen, the floor was covered in water.

Onun botu ve pantolonu çamurla kaplıydı.

His boots and pants were covered with mud.

Tom'un evindeki her şey tozla kaplıydı.

Everything in Tom's house was covered with dust.

Sami kanla kaplıydı ve travma geçirmişti.

Sami was covered in blood and traumatized.

- Sami kanla kaplıydı.
- Sami kanla kaplandı.

Sami was covered in blood.

Zemin tamamen büyük bir halı ile kaplıydı

The floor was completely covered by a large rug.

Yüksek ev, sazdan bir çatı ile kaplıydı.

The high house was covered with a thatched roof.

Dağın yamaçları ve bütün ağaçlar karla kaplıydı.

The slopes of the mountain and the trees were all covered in snow.

- Leyla'nın yüzü kanla kaplıydı.
- Leyla'nın yüzü kanla kaplandı.

Layla's face was covered in blood.

- Tom'un yüzü kanla kaplıydı.
- Tom'un yüzü kanla kaplandı.

Tom's face was covered with blood.

- Duvarlar duvar kağıdıyla kaplıydı.
- Duvarlar duvar kağıdıyla kaplanmıştı.

The walls were covered with wallpaper.

Ancak aşağı inen yol çok dik ve buzlar ile kaplıydı.

But the slopes on the way down are far steeper and largely covered in ice.

Yer boştu, yeryüzü şekilleri yoktu; engin karanlıklarla kaplıydı. Tanrı'nın Ruhu suların üzerinde dalgalanıyordu.

And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters.

Güvercin konacak bir yer bulamadı, çünkü her yer suyla kaplıydı. Gemiye, Nuh'un yanına döndü. Nuh uzanıp güvercini tuttu ve gemiye, yanına aldı.

But she not finding where her foot might rest, returned to him into the ark: for the waters were upon the whole earth: and he put forth his hand, and caught her, and brought her into the ark.