Translation of "Tomaría" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Tomaría" in a sentence and their english translations:

Le tomaría 74 000 años

It would take 74.000 years,

Y B tomaría demasiado tiempo.

and B would take too much time.

No tomaría eso mucho tiempo.

It wouldn't take that much time.

Me tomaría una sopa caliente.

I'd like to have some hot soup.

Tomaría un poco de limonada.

I'll have some lemonade.

Me tomaría una eternidad explicarte todo.

It would take forever for me to explain everything.

Me tomaría una taza de café.

- I would like to have a cup of coffee.
- I'd like to drink a cup of coffee.

¿Cuánto tomaría atravesar el río a nado?

How long would it take to swim across the river?

¿Nos tomaría una foto con esta cámara?

Would you take a picture of us with this camera?

"¿Por qué se tomaría un tiempo libre?"

"why would he take time off?"

él tomaría los primeros tres o cuatro ...

he would take the first three or four...

El camino que tomaría el agua al descender,

the path that water would take on its quest to flow downhill,

Yo tomaría algo de té verde con jazmín.

I would drink some jasmine green tea.

¿Qué más bien tomaría usted, té o café?

Which would you rather have, tea or coffee?

En una rifa de falafel tomaría todos los billetes.

In a falafel raffle he would snaffle all the tickets.

El mecánico dijo que la reparación no tomaría mucho.

The mechanic said the repair would not take long.

Muy buen consejo. Lo tomaría en cuenta, si no fuera tuyo.

Very good advice. I would consider it if it weren't yours.

Tom se preguntaba cuánto le tomaría a María terminar el trabajo.

Tom wondered how long it would take Mary to finish the job.

Corea del Sur, por supuesto, tomaría represalias, utilizando su artillería para tratar de suprimir la

South Korea would, of course, retaliate, using their artillery to try to suppress the North

Tom se preguntaba cuántos minutos más le tomaría ir corriendo a la parada de autobús.

Tom wondered how many minutes it would take him to run to the bus stop.