Translation of "Sano" in English

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Sano" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Come sano.
- Coma sano.
- Comed sano.
- Coman sano.

Eat healthily.

¿Está sano?

Is he all right?

Parece estar sano.

- He looks healthy.
- He seems healthy.

Tom está sano.

- Tom's healthy.
- Tom is healthy.

No estoy sano.

I'm not healthy.

Te ves sano.

You look healthy.

Es muy sano.

It's very healthy.

Jugar es sano.

- It's healthy to play.
- Playing is healthy.

Entre enfermo y sano,

between sick and healthy,

Mi padre está sano.

My father is in good health.

El padre está sano.

The father is in good health.

Tuvo un hijo sano.

She had a healthy baby.

Tom parece estar sano.

- Tom seems to be in good health.
- It looks like Tom is healthy.
- Tom looks like he's healthy.

- ¿Estás saludable?
- ¿Estás sano?

Are you healthy?

Eres joven y sano.

You're young and healthy.

Coman sano, si es posible.

Eat healthy if you can.

Ella parió un bebé sano.

She gave birth to a healthy baby.

Mi abuelo está muy sano.

My grandfather is very healthy.

Él llegó sano y salvo.

He arrived safely.

Esto no es exactamente sano.

- This is not exactly healthy.
- This isn't exactly healthy.

Sabía que no era sano.

I knew it was unhealthy.

Tengo que comer más sano.

I need to eat more healthily.

Mente sana en cuerpo sano.

A sane mind is in a sound body.

Creo que responderían, "un hijo sano".

I believe most of you would say, "A healthy child."

¿Pero qué quiere decir "sano" exactamente?

But what exactly do we mean by "healthy"?

Que mostrar las emociones es sano,

that showing their emotions is healthy,

Siempre y cuando sea sano, ¿no?

if and when it's healthy, isn't it?

Y luego estás sano o protegido.

and then you are healthy or protected.

Este bebé es rechoncho y sano.

That baby is fat and healthy.

Llegó a casa sano y salvo.

He came home safe.

Yo ando mucho porque es sano.

I walk a lot because it's healthy.

¿Qué debe incluir un desayuno sano?

What should a healthy breakfast consist of?

No estoy tan sano como antaño.

I'm not as healthy as I used to be.

- El padre está sano.
- Mi padre está sano.
- Mi padre está en buen estado de salud.

- My father is in good health.
- The father is in good health.
- My father is healthy.

Una mamá sana y un bebé sano.

A healthy mom and a healthy baby.

Para que el niño pueda crecer sano.

so the child will thrive.

Llegué aquí sano y salvo esta mañana.

I arrived safe and sound this morning.

Nadie en su sano juicio haría esto.

No one in their right mind would do this.

Si Tom comiera menos, estaría más sano.

If Tom would eat less, he'd be healthier.

Es más sano subir por la escalera.

It is healthier to climb the stairs.

Estoy feliz de verte sano y salvo.

- I'm glad to see you in one piece.
- I'm happy to see you in one piece.

No estás en tu sano juicio tú.

You're not in your right mind, you.

Lo que más quiero es estar sano.

Above all, I want to be healthy.

No hay nada inherentemente equivocado o poco sano

there's nothing inherently wrong or inherently unhealthy

Para crear gente sana o un mundo sano.

to create healthy people or a healthy world.

O "seguro que comer sano cuesta mucho tiempo".

or "I bet eating healthy must take a lot of time."

El aire del mar es puro y sano.

The air by the sea is pure and healthy.

Para nuestro alivio, él regresó sano y salvo.

To our relief, he came back safe and sound.

El que come muchas manzanas se mantiene sano.

He who eats many apples stays healthy.

- Nuestro bebé nació saludable.
- Nuestro bebé nació sano.

Our baby was born healthy.

Si comieras menos hamburguesas, probablemente estarías más sano.

If you ate fewer burgers, you'd probably be healthier.

En primer lugar, no asuman que algo es sano

First of all, don't assume that something is healthy

Gente que se esfuerza, está trabajada, que come sano.

People who train, works out, people who eat healthy.

Necesitas un mínimo de siete horas para mantenerte sano".

You need at least seven hours to stay healthy."

Cualquier ecosistema sano necesita una variedad de especies distintas.

All healthy ecosystems need a variety of different species.

Que intentes mantener tu cuerpo lo más sano posible

that you try to keep your body as healthy as possible

Para mi alivio, vino a casa sano y salvo.

To my relief, he came home safe and sound.

Mi abuelo tiene noventa años y está muy sano.

My grandfather is 90 years old and very lively.

Las personas que piensan "es que comer sano es caro"

People who think "eating healthy is expensive"

A pesar de su edad, él es sano y activo.

Old as he is, he is very healthy and active.

Esa es la razón por la que siempre estabas sano.

That's why you were always healthy.

Un hombre sano no conoce el valor de la salud.

A healthy man does not know the value of health.

Estoy seguro de que tu hijo regresará sano y salvo.

I am sure of your son coming back safe and sound.

"¿Por qué un hombre tan sano como tú está tan ansioso?

"Now, what's a healthy man like you having so much anxiety for?

Él se está haciendo viejo, pero está más sano que nunca.

He is getting old, but he is as healthy as ever.

El único ojo sano del cachorro me ruega que le adopte.

The puppy's single good eye begs me for adoption.

Si todos hacemos cambios podemos tener un futuro mejor y más sano,

If we all make changes, we can have a healthier, happier future,

Mi abuelo todavía está en su sano juicio y en sana salud.

My grandfather is still sound in mind and body.

Cocinar en casa es más sano que comer fuera en un restaurante.

Cooking at home is healthier than eating out at a restaurant.

- Mi padre está sano.
- Mi padre está en buen estado de salud.

- My father is in good health.
- My father is healthy.

Russeau era loco pero influyente; Hume era sano pero no tenía seguidores.

Rousseau was mad but influential; Hume was sane but had no followers.