Translation of "Oscuro" in English

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Examples of using "Oscuro" in a sentence and their english translations:

Está oscuro.

It's dark.

Estaba oscuro.

It was dark.

Realmente oscuro.

It's really dark.

Está oscuro aquí.

It's dark in here.

Está oscuro fuera.

- It is dark outside.
- It's dark outside.

Estaba tan oscuro.

It was so dark.

Está muy oscuro.

- It's very dark.
- It is very dark.

Estaba bastante oscuro.

It was pretty dark.

Está totalmente oscuro.

It's completely dark.

Estaba muy oscuro.

It was very dark.

Era verde oscuro.

It was dark green.

Era azul oscuro.

It was dark blue.

Dentro está oscuro.

It's dark inside.

Dentro es oscuro.

It's dark inside.

- Me gusta más el rojo oscuro.
- Prefiero el rojo oscuro.

I like dark red better.

Ahora está tan oscuro

Now it's so dark...

Esta oscuro allá afuera.

- It's all dark outside.
- It's totally dark outside.

El cielo estaba oscuro.

The sky was dark.

Afuera está completamente oscuro.

- It's totally dark outside.
- It's pitch black outside.

Tengo el pelo oscuro.

I have dark hair.

Se ve muy oscuro ahí.

It looks really dark there.

El cielo estaba totalmente oscuro.

The sky was completely dark.

Estaba oscuro debajo del puente.

It was dark under the bridge.

Tenía el pelo castaño oscuro.

He had dark brown hair.

Ella calzaba zapatos marrón oscuro.

She was wearing dark brown shoes.

Cada vez está más oscuro.

- It is getting darker and darker.
- It's getting darker and darker.

Estaba oscuro en el bosque.

It was dark in the forest.

Tengo un auto azul oscuro.

I have a blue car.

Está oscuro en esa pieza.

It is dark in that room.

Está oscuro en este calabozo.

So, it's dark in this dungeon.

Porque aquí está el oscuro secreto.

Because, here's the dirty secret.

Está demasiado oscuro para que veamos.

It's far too dark for us to see.

Está demasiado oscuro para ver claramente.

It is too dark to see clearly.

- Ya ha oscurecido.
- Ya está oscuro.

- It is already dark.
- It's already dark.

Estaba oscuro cuando llegué al hotel.

It was dark when I reached the hotel.

Me levanté cuando todavía estaba oscuro.

I got up while it was still dark.

Está demasiado oscuro para jugar fuera.

- It is too dark to play outside.
- It's too dark to play outside.

Los asiáticos generalmente tienen pelo oscuro.

Asians generally have black hair.

De repente se hizo oscuro fuera.

All the sudden, it got dark outside.

Ella llevaba una bufanda azul oscuro.

She wore a dark blue scarf.

Está muy oscuro para jugar afuera.

It's pretty dark to play outside.

Estaba bien oscuro cuando llegué ahí.

It was quite dark when I got there.

Mary tiene un hermoso cabello oscuro.

Mary has beautiful dark hair.

Toda cultura tiene un lado oscuro.

Every culture has a dark side.

El retrato tenía un fondo oscuro.

The portrait had a dark background.

Aquí está oscuro, ¿tienes una linterna?

It's dark in here. Do you have a flashlight?

De verdad está oscuro aquí dentro.

It's really dark in here.

"¿Pretendes que comparta mi secreto más oscuro

"You want me to share my darkest secret

Si vamos a un lugar muy oscuro

If you go into a very dark place

Pero, en el suelo, está tan oscuro

But down on the ground, it's so dark....

Ella encendió la lámpara porque estaba oscuro.

She switched on the lamp because it was dark.

No leas libros en un lugar oscuro.

Don't read books in a dark place.

Estaba tan oscuro que apenas podían ver.

It was so dark that they could hardly see.

Estaba frío y oscuro en la habitación.

It was dark and cold in the room.

El sótano es feo, oscuro y apestoso.

The cellar is ugly, dark, and stinky.

Casi todos los japoneses tienen cabello oscuro.

Nearly all Japanese have dark hair.

Estaba bastante oscuro cuando llegué a casa.

It was quite dark when I got home.

Un ladrón acechaba en el oscuro pasillo.

A thief lurked in the dark doorway.

Está demasiado oscuro para que pueda leer.

It is too dark for me to read.

Estaba oscuro para cuando llegamos al hotel.

It was dark when we reached the hotel.

¿Qué haces en ese lugar tan oscuro?

What are you doing in a dark place like that?

Cuando me desperte todavia estaba oscuro fuera

- I got up while it was still dark.
- When I woke up, it was still dark outside.

No me gusta salir cuando está oscuro.

I don't like to go out when it's dark.