Translation of "Mataron" in English

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Mataron" in a sentence and their english translations:

- ¿Cómo los mataron?
- ¿Cómo las mataron?

How were they killed?

Ellos lo mataron.

They killed him.

Mataron al tigre.

The tiger was killed.

Mataron a mi hermano.

My brother was killed.

Mataron a nuestras vacas.

Our cows were killed.

Mataron al perro al segundo.

The dog was killed on the spot.

Lo mataron con una espada.

He was killed with a sword.

Sé cuándo mataron a Tom.

I know when Tom was killed.

Nos mataron con estas flores artificiales.

You've killed us with these artificial flowers. But there are natural ones as well.

La dignidad de quienes lo mataron.

The dignity of those who killed him

Mataron a Bill con una pistola.

Bill was killed with a gun.

Lo mataron con una sola bala.

He was killed by a single bullet.

Mataron a Mary con un atizador.

Mary was killed with a fireplace poker.

Mataron a Tom con un picahielos.

Tom was killed with an icepick.

Cuando dijo la verdad, lo mataron.

When he told the truth, they killed him.

- Mataron esta cabra como sacrificio a Dios.
- Ellos mataron esta cabra como sacrificio a Dios.

They killed this goat as a sacrifice to God.

¡Mataron la industria! No... Hay naturales también.

-You've killed the industry. -No, we have natural ones, too.

¿A cuántas personas mataron en la tienda?

How many people were killed in the store?

Lo mataron en un accidente de tráfico.

He was killed in a car accident.

Arremetiendo con ambas manos hasta que lo mataron.

lashing out with both hands until he was killed.

Ellos mataron a más de tres mil marineros.

They killed more than three thousand sailors.

La noticia de que mataron al presidente los sorprendió.

The news that the president was killed surprised them.

El número de presas que mataron era el mismo.

The number of prey they killed was the same.

En ambos lados mataron a hombres, mujeres y niños.

Men, women and children on both sides were killed.

- Los dos hombres fueron muertos.
- Los mataron a ambos.

Both men were killed.

¿Dónde está el hombre que mataron en esta colina?

- Who's the guy that was killed on this hill?
- Who's the man who was killed on this hill?

A mi abuelo lo mataron en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

- My grandfather was killed in World War II.
- My grandfather was murdered during the Second World War.

- Yo ni siquiera estaba en Boston la noche que mataron a Tom.
- Yo ni siquiera estuve en Boston la noche que mataron a Tom.

I wasn't even in Boston the night Tom was murdered.

A mi amiga la mataron en una pugna entre bandas barriales.

They killed my friend in a fight between neighborhood gangs.

Le pusimos el nombre de mi hermano, al que mataron en la guerra

We gave him the name of my brother that was killed in the war,

A pesar de todo esto, perdoné a aquellos que mataron a mis niños.

Despite all this, I forgave the people who killed my children.

En unos momentos, las llamas atravesaron la cápsula y mataron a los tres astronautas.

Within moments, flames ripped through the capsule, killing all three astronauts.

- ¿A cuántas personas mataron en la tienda?
- ¿Cuántas personas fueron asesinadas en la tienda?

How many people were killed in the store?

Los indígenas conocían la naturaleza mejor que él y lo mataron por su presunción.

The indigenous people knew nature more than he did and they killed him for his presumptuousness.

Vigorosamente al enemigo que huía - capturaron muchos británicos y mataron a un gran número de ellos.

ran after the fleeing enemy - hunted down many of the Britons and slew a great number of them.

Mataron a cuatro caballos bajo sus órdenes y dirigió personalmente el último y condenado ataque de

He had four horses killed under him, an d personally led the last, doomed attack by

Y las tropas de Murat contraatacaron con una fuerza brutal: mataron a unos 200 y ejecutaron a 300 más.

and Murat’s troops fought back with brutal  force – killing around 200, executing 300 more.

Podrán continuar con sus vidas sabiendo que el presidente no va a sugerir inyectar blanqueador, o retuitear teorías conspirativas sobre cábalas secretas que gobiernan el mundo, o retuitear la afirmación de que los Navy SEALS en realidad no mataron a bin Laden. No vamos a tener un presidente que se esfuerce por insultar a alguien que no cree que sea lo suficientemente amable con él. No tendremos un presidente que amenace a la gente con la cárcel solo por criticarlo. Eso no es una conducta normal, Florida.

You'll be able to go about your lives knowing that the president is not going to suggest injecting bleach, or retweet conspiracy theories about secret cabals running the world, or retweeting the claim that Navy SEALS didn't actually kill bin Laden. We're not gonna have a president that goes out of his way to insult anybody who he doesn't think is nice enough to him. We won't have a president who threatens people with jail just for criticizing him. That's not normal behavior, Florida.