Translation of "облачно" in English

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Examples of using "облачно" in a sentence and their english translations:


It's cloudy.


Is it cloudy?

Сегодня облачно.

- It's cloudy today.
- It is cloudy today.
- The sky is cloudy today.

Будет облачно.

It will be cloudy.

Сегодня облачно?

Does it look cloudy today?

Сейчас облачно.

It is cloudy now.

Становится облачно.

It's getting cloudy.

Было облачно.

It was cloudy.

Снова облачно.

It's cloudy again.

Вчера было облачно.

It was cloudy yesterday.

Завтра будет облачно.

It will be cloudy tomorrow.

Всё ещё облачно.

It's still cloudy.

Сегодня утром облачно.

This morning the weather is cloudy.

Облачно, местами дожди.

Cloudy with occasional rain.

Всю неделю облачно.

It's been cloudy all week.

- Облачно.
- Погода облачная.

It's cloudy.

Будет холодно и облачно.

It will be cold and the sky will be overcast.

Весь день было облачно.

It was cloudy all day.

Весь день будет облачно.

It's going to be cloudy all day.

Облачно, но очень тепло.

It's cloudy, but it's very warm.

В ту ночь было облачно.

It was cloudy that night.

Сегодня весь день было облачно.

It was cloudy all day long today.

Вчера в Токио было облачно?

Was it cloudy in Tokyo yesterday?

Сегодня более облачно, чем вчера.

- There are more clouds today than yesterday.
- It's cloudier today than yesterday.

В Токио вчера было облачно?

Was it cloudy in Tokyo yesterday?

Вчера в Бостоне было облачно?

Was it cloudy in Boston yesterday?

Было облачно, и временами шёл дождь.

It was cloudy, with occasional rain.

Я не вижу звёзд. Здесь облачно.

I cannot see the stars. It's cloudy.

Согласно прогнозу погоды, завтра будет облачно.

They forecast it will be cloudy tomorrow.

Сильно облачно. Я думаю, пойдёт дождь.

It's very cloudy. I think it's going to rain.

Утром небо было чистым, сейчас облачно.

In the morning, the sky was clear; now it's cloudy.

Было облачно, так что я взял с собой зонтик.

- It being cloudy, I took my umbrella with me.
- It was cloudy, so I took an umbrella with me.

Сегодня облачно. Почему бы нам не пойти на пляж завтра?

It's cloudy today. Why don't we go to the beach tomorrow?

- Сегодня больше облаков, чем вчера.
- Сегодня более облачно, чем вчера.

- There's more cloud today than yesterday.
- There are more clouds today than yesterday.