Translation of "싶었죠" in English

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Examples of using "싶었죠" in a sentence and their english translations:

‎이게 웬일인가 싶었죠

"Oh, my God, what's going on?"

그들에게 질문을 하고 싶었죠.

and ask them that question.

이번에는 자원봉사를 하고 싶었죠.

This time because I wanted to become a volunteer.

그 순간, 더는 안되겠다 싶었죠.

At that point, I had enough.

왜 그토록 인상적인지 알고 싶었죠.

to understand why it resonated so deeply.

그래서 저는 그들과 함께하고 싶었죠.

And I wanted to join that team.

‎문어도 꿈을 꾼다면 ‎어떤 꿈을 꾸는지 알고 싶었죠

Does she dream? If she dreams, what does she dream about?