Translation of "되겠죠" in English

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Examples of using "되겠죠" in a sentence and their english translations:

이런 모양이 되겠죠.

This is going to look something like this.

뭐, 에너지는 되겠죠

Well, should be some energy.

곧 알게 되겠죠

We'll find out, soon enough.

아주 오래가진 않겠지만 조금은 도움이 되겠죠

It's not gonna keep me going forever, but it's going to help a little bit.

그리고 그런 정부는 베이징에 매우 도움이 되겠죠

And that would serve Beijing very well indeed.

‎3개월만 있으면 ‎이 핏덩이들도 ‎자기 새끼를 치게 되겠죠

In just three months' time, they'll be ready to have babies of their own.

하지만 내려가면 좌우 어느 쪽이든 우리 진로를 벗어나게 되겠죠

But it's gonna take me left or right off course.

땅이나 지하 깊은 밑, 혹은 바닷 속에 저장하게 되겠죠.

in the soil, deep underground or in the oceans.