Translation of "そうなんだ。" in English

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "そうなんだ。" in a sentence and their english translations:


It is always the case with her.


I wonder why Tom always looks sleepy.


How sad that girl looks!


I bet he arrives late - he always does.


I'm afraid the bank is going to repossess my house.


Tom likes Mary, and so do I.

- 兄さんは大学で楽しそうです。
- 兄さんは大学で楽しそうなんだ。

My brother seems to enjoy himself at college.


"Recently I haven't been doing any calligraphy", "Is that so?, if you practice often you will lose your touch."

- なるほど。
- なるほどね。
- わかった。
- わかりました。
- そうですか。
- そうなんだ。
- そっか。

I see.


"Ah ... I'm just not feeling so well" "Really? Are you OK?" "Heh-heh. Actually I'm playing hooky."


"About tom, he wears the same clothes all year around?" "That is true, when I visited his house the clothes hanger was lined up with all the same clothes. But he seems to be obsessed with branding."

More Words:
Translate "「トムってさ、年がら年中同じ服着てるよね」「そうなんだよ、あいつの家に行ったら同じ服がズラッとハンガーに掛かってた。でもブランドにはこだわりがあるらしいよ」" to other language: