Translation of "Tele" in English

0.018 sec.

Examples of using "Tele" in a sentence and their english translations:

- A doboz tele.
- Tele a doboz.
- Tele van a doboz.

The box is full.

- Töltse tele, legyen szíves!
- Tele kérem.

Fill it up, please.

Tele vagyok!

- I'm stuffed!
- I'm stuffed.

Tele vagy?

Are you full?

Tele vagyunk.

We're full.

Tele vagyok.

- I'm full.
- I am full.

Tele van.

It's full.

- Tele van a hasam.
- Tele van a pocakom.
- Tele van a pocim.
- Tele a pocim.

- My stomach is full.
- My stomach's full.

- A poharam tele van.
- Tele van a poharam.

My glass is full.

- Tom tele van varrva.
- Tomi tele van tetoválással.

Tom has several tattoos.

tele lehet akadályokkal,

can be littered with impediments,

tele bizarr teremtményekkel...

full of bizarre creatures...

Tele vannak élettel.

They're full of life.

Tele van jószándékkal.

- She abounds in good will.
- She is full of good intentions.

Tele van energiával.

- He is full of energy.
- You are full of energy.

Tele vagy meglepetésekkel.

You're full of surprises.

Tom tele volt.

- Tom was full.
- Tom didn't want to eat.

Tele a tank.

The tank is full.

Tom tele van.

Tom is full.

Tele a belem.

My stomach is full.

Tele vagyok zúzódással.

I have bruises all over my body.

Eléggé tele vagyok.

I'm pretty full.

Tele van gyűlölettel.

She's full of hate.

- Az összes busz tele van.
- Minden busz tele van.

All the buses are full.

- A világ tele van problémákkal.
- A világ tele van problémával.

The world is full of problems.

tele adóssággal haladtak előre

with their hands deep in debt, they plowed ahead,

Éjjeli világokat... tele félelemmel...

Nocturnal worlds... -full of fear... -[mouse squeaking]

Minden busz tele van.

- Every bus is full.
- All the buses are full.
- All of the buses are full.

- Tele vagyok!
- Teli vagyok!

I'm stuffed!

Tele van a fejem.

My brain is full.

Az autóbusz tele volt.

The bus was full.

A mozi tele volt.

The movie theater was filled with people.

Nem, köszönöm. Tele vagyok.

No, thank you. I'm full.

- Teli vagyok.
- Tele vagyok.

- I'm full.
- I am full.
- I'm full!

Tele van a hasam.

- My stomach is full.
- My stomach's full.

Tele vagyok jó ötletekkel.

I'm full of good ideas.

A parkoló tele volt.

Parking was full.

Mindig tele van ötletekkel.

He is always full of ideas.

Mindig tele van energiával.

He is still full of energy.

A csésze tele van.

The cup is full.

Köszönöm, már tele vagyok.

I'm already full, thank you.

Szavai tele voltak mélabúval.

Her words were filled with melancholy.

A bár tele volt.

The bar was packed.

A szoba tele emberekkel.

The room is full of people.

Tele van új ötletekkel.

He is full of new ideas.

Tele volt a kezem.

My hands were full.

Tamás keze tele van.

Tom's hands are full.

Sajnálom, tele vagyunk ma.

Sorry, we're full today.

Mindegyik busz tele van.

- All the buses are full.
- All of the buses are full.

Tom tele van ambíciókkal.

Tom is full of ambition.

Tele vagyok elfojtott vágyakkal.

I'm full of suppressed desires.

Tele van a palack.

That bottle is full.

- A légpárnás hajóm tele van angolnával.
- A légpárnás hajóm tele van angolnákkal.

My hovercraft is full of eels.

- Ez tele van.
- Ez megtelt.
- Ez fullon van.
- Ez itt tele van.

This one is full.

- Majdnem tele volt még az üveg.
- Majdnam tele volt még a palack.

The bottle was still mostly full.

- A poharam tele van.
- Tele van a poharam.
- Teli van a poharam.

My glass is full.

Beszédünk telis-tele van szóképekkel.

So our conversation is littered with metaphors, scattered with metaphors.

Töltsd tele a vödröt vízzel.

Fill the bucket with water.

A vödör tele volt vízzel.

The bucket was full of water.

A pohár tele van borral.

The glass is full of wine.

Könnyel lett tele a szeme.

Tears filled her eyes.

A szoba tele van virággal.

The room is full of flowers.

A szeme tele lett könnyel.

Her eyes were filled with tears.

A pohár tele van vízzel.

The glass is full of water.

A természet tele van rejtélyekkel.

- Nature is full of mystery.
- Life is full of mysteries.

A kert tele volt emberekkel.

The garden was full of people.

A park tele volt emberekkel.

The park was full of people.

A mozi tele volt emberekkel.

The cinema was filled with people.

A világ tele van hülyékkel.

The world is full of fools.

A tenger tele volt csónakokkal.

The sea was full of boats.

Nem illik tele szájjal beszélni.

- It is rude to speak with your mouth full.
- It's rude to speak with your mouth full.

Az erdő tele van fával.

The forest is full of trees.

Az élet tele van titkokkal.

- Life is full of mysteries.
- Life is full of secrets.

Ismét tele van önbizalommal Tom.

Tom is full of confidence again.

Az égbolt tele van csillagokkal.

The sky is full of stars.

Öregsége ellenére tele van élettel.

- He is active although he is very old.
- He is full of life even though he is very old.

A shake tele van fehérjékkel.

That cold shake is full of protein.

A doboz tele volt eperrel.

The box was full of strawberries.

A szíve csordultig tele boldogsággal.

His heart is full of happiness.

A gyermekek tele vannak energiával.

Children are full of energy.

Az ág tele van levéllel.

The branch is full of leaves.

Tom háza tele van játékokkal.

Tom's house is full of toys.

Tele van ötletekkel a feje.

His brain teems with ideas.

- Zsúfolt volt.
- Nagyon tele volt.

It was crowded.

A fal tele van graffitivel.

The wall is covered with graffiti.

E kosár tele van fügével.

This basket is full of figs.

A csűr tele van szénával.

The barn is full of hay.