Translation of "Harminc" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Harminc" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Kölcsönkérhetek harminc dollárt?
- Kérhetek harminc dollárt?
- Kérhetek harminc dollárt kölcsönbe?

Can I borrow $30?

- Harminc éves vagyok már.
- Már harminc vagyok.

- I'm thirty now.
- I'm 30 now.

- Harminc ercsi lesz.
- Harminc erkába fog kerülni.

- This will cost €30.
- That'll cost thirty euros.

- Harminc percenként indul.
- Harminc percenként jár.
- Félóránként közlekedik.

It leaves every thirty minutes.

- Harminc euróba fog kerülni.
- Ez harminc euróba kerül.

- This will cost €30.
- That will cost thirty euros.

- Harminc évig éltem itt.
- Itt laktam harminc évig.

- I have lived here for thirty years.
- I've lived here for 30 years.
- I've lived here for thirty years.

- Legkevesebb harminc diák hiányzott.
- Legalább harminc tanuló hiányzott.

At least thirty students were absent.

Harminc méter hosszú.

It is thirty meters in length.

Harminc éves vagyok.

- I'm thirty.
- I'm thirty years old.
- I am thirty.
- I am thirty years old.
- I am 30 years old.
- I'm 30 years old.

Tom most harminc.

- Tom is thirty now.
- Tom is now thirty years old.

Harminc alkalmazottunk van.

We have thirty employees.

Harminc körül van.

He is about thirty.

Harminc vendég volt.

There were 30 guests.

Harminc túlélő volt.

There were 30 survivors.

Harminc tanú volt.

There were 30 witnesses.

Majd harminc vagy.

You're pushing thirty.

Tom harminc éves.

- Tom is thirty years old.
- Tom's thirty.
- Tom is thirty.
- Tom is 30 years old.

Szerintem Tom harminc.

- I think Tom is thirty.
- I think that Tom is thirty.

Harminc euró lesz.

This will cost €30.

Tom elmúlt harminc.

- Tom is past thirty.
- Tom is over thirty.

Harminc fekvőtámaszt nyomtam.

I did thirty pushups.

- Tom nagyjából harminc kilót nyom.
- Tomi kábé harminc kiló.

Tom weighs about thirty kilograms.

- Megölte magát harminc éves korában.
- Harminc éves volt, amikor öngyilkos lett.
- Öngyilkosságot követett el harminc évesen.

He killed himself at the age of thirty.

- Tom adott nekem harminc dollárt.
- Tom harminc dolcsit adott nekem.

Tom gave me thirty dollars.

Harminc évvel kikelése után...

Thirty years after hatching here,

A következő harminc évben

Over the next three decades,

Most harminc éves vagyok.

- I am 30 years old now.
- I'm thirty now.
- I'm 30 now.

Röviddel ezelőtt lett harminc.

- He had his thirtieth birthday recently.
- He was thirty recently.

Valamivel elmúlt már harminc.

He is in his early thirties.

Tom harminc éves volt.

Tom was 30 years old.

Harminc euróba fog kerülni.

- This will cost €30.
- That will cost thirty euros.
- That'll cost thirty euros.

Harminc évesnél nem fiatalabb.

She is not less than thirty.

Harminc évig zenét tanított.

She taught music for thirty years.

Mínusz harminc fok van.

It's thirty degrees below zero.

- Harminc vagyok.
- Harmincéves vagyok.

- I'm thirty.
- I'm thirty years old.
- I am thirty.
- I am thirty years old.

Tamás maholnap harminc éves.

- Tom is almost thirty.
- Tom is almost thirty years old.

Harminc percet beszélt egyfolytában.

She spoke for 30 minutes without a break.

Cégünknek harminc alkalmazottja van.

Our company has thirty employees.

Harminc évig voltam sírásó.

I was a grave digger for thirty years.

Tamás harminc éves volt.

Tom was thirty.

Tomi kábé harminc éves.

- Tom is about thirty.
- Tom is around thirty.

Tom csak harminc éves.

- Tom is only thirty years old.
- Tom is only thirty.

Szerintem Tom harminc körüli.

- I think Tom is about thirty years old.
- I think Tom is about thirty.
- I think that Tom is about thirty.

Tamás most harminc éves.

Tom is now thirty years old.

Majdnem harminc éves vagyok.

I'm almost thirty years old.

Tom legfeljebb harminc éves.

Tom is thirty at most.

Tomi maholnap harminc éves.

Tom is going on thirty.

Tom harminc napig hiányzott.

Tom has been missing for thirty days.

Jövő hónapban leszek harminc.

I'll be thirty next month.

Tom harminc éve asztalos.

Tom is a thirty-year-old carpenter.

Tudnál kölcsönadni harminc dollárt?

Could you loan me thirty dollars?

Kérem, várjon harminc percet!

- Please wait for thirty minutes.
- Please wait thirty minutes.

Már harminc percet kések.

I'm thirty minutes late already.

Tamás idén harminc lesz.

Tom will be thirty this year.

- Úgy harminc perc múlva ott vagyok.
- Körülbelül harminc percen belül megérkezem.
- Mintegy harminc perc alatt érek oda.

I'll be there in about 30 minutes.

- Ez csaknem harminc éve történt.
- Ez majdnem harminc évvel ezelőtt történt.

That happened almost thirty years ago.

- Egy osztagban mintegy harminc ember van.
- Egy osztagban mintegy harminc emberből áll.

A platoon has about thirty soldiers.

- Ez a könyv harminc dolláromba került.
- Harminc dollárt fizettem ezért a könyvért.

This book cost me thirty dollars.

A vonat harminc percet késik.

- The train is 30 minutes overdue.
- The train is 30 minutes late.
- The train is thirty minutes late.

Megölte magát harminc éves korában.

He killed himself at the age of thirty.

Alig volt harminc, amikor meghalt.

He died when he was scarcely thirty.

Mintegy harminc percen belül visszaért.

She came back in about thirty minutes.

Ez körülbelül harminc euróba kerül.

It costs around thirty Euros.

Még nem múltam el harminc.

I'm not over thirty years old.

- Harminc vagyok.
- Betöltöttem a harmincat.

- I'm thirty.
- I'm thirty years old.
- I am thirty.
- I am thirty years old.

Tudom, hogy Tom harminc éves.

I know Tom is thirteen years old.

Harminc volt, amikor megölte magát.

She killed herself at the age of thirty.

Légy szíves, várni harminc percet.

- Please wait for thirty minutes.
- Please wait thirty minutes.

Már majdnem harminc éves vagyok.

I'm almost thirty.

Harminc dollár a jegy fejenként.

Tickets are $30 per person.

Tomi mintegy harminc perce távozott.

- Tom left about thirty minutes ago.
- Tom left about 30 minutes ago.

Ez harminc percet vett igénybe.

That took thirty minutes.

Tom tavaly harminc könyvet olvasott.

Tom read thirty books last year.

Harminc éven keresztül éltem itt.

I've lived here for 30 years.

Az egyesület harminc tagot számlál.

The association counts thirty members.

Van harminc perced, hogy dönts.

You have thirty minutes to decide.

Harminc percet késett a vonatunk.

Our train was thirty minutes late.

Szerintem Tom nincs harminc éves.

- I think Tom is under thirty.
- I think that Tom is under thirty.

Tom harminc napot töltött börtönben.

Tom spent thirty days in jail.

Tom harminc dollárt keres óránként.

- Tom earns thirty dollars an hour.
- Tom is making thirty dollars an hour.
- Tom makes thirty dollars an hour.

Az egyesület harminc taggal rendelkezik.

The association has thirty members.

A hajó hosszúsága harminc méter.

The length of this ship is 30 meters.

Már harminc éve házasok vagyunk.

She and I have been married 30 years.

Harminc perc múlva jön vissza.

He will be back in thirty minutes.

Cégigazgató lett harminc éves korában.

He became the company president when he was thirty.

Már harminc éve ezt csinálom.

I've been doing this for thirty years.

Tom egy harminc éves agglegény.

Tom is a thirty-year old bachelor.

Múlt évben harminc könyvet olvastam.

I read thirty books last year.

Körülbelül harminc perc innen gyalog.

- It's about 30 minutes from here on foot.
- It's about thirty minutes from here on foot.

Közel harminc éve házasok vagyunk.

We've been married for nearly thirty years.

Körülbelül harminc embert tartóztattak le.

- Approximately 30 people were arrested.
- Approximately thirty people were arrested.