Translation of "Suspect" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Suspect" in a sentence and their english translations:

C'est suspect.

- This is suspicious.
- That's suspicious.

- Cela me semble suspect.
- Ça m'a l'air suspect.

That seems suspicious to me.

Ça semble suspect.

people see it as weird, I guess.

- La police arrêta le suspect.
- La police a arrêté le suspect.
- La police a appréhendé un suspect.

The police arrested the suspect.

- La police arrêta le suspect.
- La police a arrêté le suspect.
- La police a arrêté un suspect.

The police arrested the suspect.

Apparemment, un bagage suspect.

Allegedly a suspicious piece of luggage.

Ça m'a l'air suspect.

- That seems suspicious to me.
- That looks suspicious to me.

Je trouve ça suspect.

I find that suspicious.

Il a l'air suspect.

He looks suspicious.

Sami ressemble au suspect.

Sami resembles the suspect.

Sami connaissait le suspect.

Sami knew the suspect.

Le suspect a avoué.

The suspect has confessed.

Le suspect est appréhendé.

The suspect has been caught.

- La police arrêta le suspect.
- La police a arrêté le suspect.

The police arrested the suspect.

Il est notre unique suspect.

He's our only suspect.

Tout le monde est suspect.

- Everybody's a suspect.
- Everybody's under suspicion.

Deux détectives suivirent le suspect.

Two detectives followed the suspect.

Tom ne semblait pas suspect.

Tom didn't seem suspicious.

Tom n'était pas un suspect.

Tom wasn't a suspect.

- La police mit les menottes au suspect.
- La police passa les menottes au suspect.

The police officer put handcuffs on the suspect.

Le suspect voulait éviter d'être arrêté.

The suspect wanted to avoid being arrested.

Le suspect était innocent du crime.

The suspect was innocent of the crime.

Elle me lança un regard suspect.

She regarded me suspiciously.

Deux inspecteurs ont poursuivi le suspect.

Two detectives pursued the suspect.

Le suspect est un homme noir.

The suspect is a black male.

Nous avons un suspect en détention.

We've got a suspect in custody.

La police a appréhendé un suspect.

The police arrested the suspect.

Le suspect est toujours en vadrouille.

The suspect remains at large.

Le suspect a menti au commissaire.

The suspect told a lie to the inspector.

La police a arrêté le suspect.

The police arrested the suspect.

Tom n’est plus notre suspect principal.

Tom is no longer our prime suspect.

Dan est devenu le principal suspect.

Dan became the prime suspect.

Dan semblait être un suspect probable.

Dan seemed a promising suspect.

Je n'y trouvai rien de suspect.

I didn't think anything was suspicious.

Google le voit-il comme suspect,

does Google see it as suspicious,

Tout d'abord, tout le monde est suspect.

First of all, everyone is suspect.

Vous avez l'air suspect, dit la police.

You look suspicious, say the police.

Le suspect a enfin commencé à avouer.

The suspect began to confess at last.

Le suspect n'a pas encore été localisé.

The whereabouts of the suspect is still unknown.

- Ça a l'air louche.
- Ça semble suspect.

This sounds fishy.

La police passa les menottes au suspect.

The police officer put handcuffs on the suspect.

Hier, la police a arrêté le suspect.

- The police arrested the suspect yesterday.
- The police arrested a suspect yesterday.

Les policiers coururent au domicile du suspect.

Police raced to the suspect's house.

La police mit les menottes au suspect.

The police officer put handcuffs on the suspect.

Sami était le suspect le plus probable.

Sami was the most likely suspect.

- Avez-vous vu qui que ce soit de suspect ?
- As-tu vu qui que ce soit de suspect ?

Did you see anyone suspicious?

Il était suspect parce qu'il n'avait pas d'alibi.

He was suspect in that he had no alibi.

Le suspect était réfugié dans une usine abandonnée.

The suspect was holed up in an abandoned factory.

Aucune plainte n'a été déposée contre le suspect.

No charges have been filed against the suspect.

Marie a paniqué – un individu suspect la suivait.

Marie panicked – a suspicious guy was following her.

Tout le monde est, à mes yeux, suspect.

I'm suspicious of everybody.

- Tom a l'air douteux.
- Tom a l'air suspect.

Tom looks dubious.

La police a-t-elle le moindre suspect ?

Do the police have any suspects?

La police a arrêté un suspect pour l'interroger.

The police have hauled in a suspect for questioning.

Elle a dit qu'elle a vu un homme suspect.

She said that she saw a suspicious man.

Avez-vous remarqué quoi que ce soit de suspect ?

Have you noticed anything suspicious?

Avez-vous vu qui que ce soit de suspect ?

Did you see anyone suspicious?

La police a enquêté sur le passé du suspect.

The police investigated the suspects' past.

Fadil révéla à la police le nom du suspect.

Fadil gave the police the name of a suspect.

Sami ne correspond pas à la description du suspect.

Sami doesn't match the suspect's description.

Quelque chose de suspect est en train de se passer.

There's something fishy going on.

Les témoins ont pu réfuter le faux témoignage du suspect.

The witnesses were able to refute the false testimony of the suspect.

Le suspect s'était caché dans les montagnes pendant trois semaines.

The suspect was hiding out in the mountains for three weeks.

Il est considéré comme le suspect numéro un par la police.

He is considered the prime suspect by the police.

Le suspect a dû poser toutes ses affaires sur la table.

The suspect had to lay all his things on the table.

Le suspect doit laisser tous ses effets personnels sur la table.

The suspect must leave all his personal belongings on the table.