Translation of "Cinquante" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Cinquante" in a sentence and their english translations:

Partageons la récompense cinquante-cinquante.

Let's split the reward fifty-fifty.

Voici cinquante étoiles.

There are fifty stars.

Ou cent cinquante

or a hundred and fifty grand

Six cent cinquante millions.

Six hundred and fifty million.

J'aimerais t'emprunter cinquante dollars.

I'd like to borrow fifty dollars from you.

- Avez-vous la monnaie de cinquante ?
- As-tu la monnaie de cinquante ?

Do you have change for a fifty?

Cinquante, quarante, trente, vingt, retard!

Fifty, fourty, thirty, twentie, retard!

« Quatre livres cinquante », dit Bob.

"Four pounds fifty," says Bob.

Mon père a cinquante ans.

My father is fifty years old.

Il frôle les cinquante ans.

He's pushing fifty.

Notre école a cinquante ans.

Our school is fifty years old.

Cinquante des machines tournent actuellement.

Fifty of the machines are running at the present time.

Tu m'as donné seulement cinquante centimes.

You gave me only fifty cents.

Elle paiera au plus cinquante dollars.

She will pay 50 dollars at most.

Environ cent-cinquante dollars en tout.

About one hundred and fifty dollars altogether.

Cinquante ans et pas moins bruyant.

Fifty years and not one bit quieter.

Ajoutez cinquante grammes de fromage râpé.

Add two ounces of grated cheese.

Peux-tu leur prêter cinquante euros ?

Could you lend them fifty euros?

Cette pièce peut contenir cinquante personnes.

This room has space for fifty people.

Cet autobus peut transporter cinquante passagers.

This bus can carry fifty passengers.

As-tu la monnaie de cinquante ?

Do you have change for a fifty?

Avez-vous la monnaie de cinquante ?

Do you have change for a fifty?

Il m'a arnaqué de cinquante balles.

He stiffed me for fifty bucks.

J'ai cinquante euros dans ma poche.

I have fifty euros in my pocket.

Vous avez dit cinquante ou quinze ?

Did you say fifty or fifteen?

- Il y a cinquante étoiles sur le drapeau américain.
- Le drapeau des USA a cinquante étoiles.

- There are fifty stars in the American flag.
- There are fifty stars on the American flag.

Quatorze plus quarante et un font cinquante-cinq. Quinze plus cinquante et un font soixante-six.

Fourteen plus forty-one is fifty-five. Fifteen plus fifty-one is sixty-six.

Il y avait cinquante passagers dans l'avion.

There were fifty passengers on the plane.

L'homme contrôla le pays pendant cinquante ans.

The man controlled the country for fifty years.

Le cercle compte plus de cinquante membres.

- The club has more than fifty members.
- The club has more than 50 members.

Le drapeau des USA a cinquante étoiles.

- There are fifty stars on the American flag.
- The American flag has fifty stars.

Ce vieux livre vaut cinquante mille yens.

This old book is worth 50,000 yen.

Cent cinquante diplomates ont assisté au congrès.

A hundred and fifty diplomats came to that conference.

Il doit avoir passé les cinquante ans.

He must be over fifty.

Il y a cinquante États dans l'union.

There are fifty states in the union.

Cinquante familles vivent dans ce petit village.

Fifty families live in this tiny village.

Cinquante-huit pourcents des Français sont propriétaires.

Fifty-eight percent of the French are homeowners.

Nous lançons des sondes spatiales depuis cinquante ans.

For only the last fifty years, we send probes into space.

(Ordinateur de bord) Cinquante, quarante, vingt, retarder, retarder.

(On-board computer) Fifty, fourty, twenty, retard, retard.

Les États-Unis sont composés de cinquante États.

The USA is composed of 50 states.

Il possède quelque cinquante romans écrits en anglais.

He has got as many as fifty novels written in English.

Il est dans le service depuis cinquante ans.

He's been in the service for 50 years.

Jack était fatigué par cinquante miles de marche.

Jack was tired from having walked fifty miles.

L'année dernière, j'ai vu au moins cinquante films.

Last year, I saw at least fifty films.

Ce dictionnaire contient au moins cinquante mille mots.

This dictionary contains not less than fifty thousand words.

La cuve a une contenance de cinquante gallons.

The tank has a capacity of fifty-gallons.

Accepte son premier patient à la cinquante-cinquième heure

accepts his first patient at fifty-fifth hour

L'année dernière, j'ai vu pas moins de cinquante films.

Last year I watched no less than fifty films.

Cent cinquante personnes ont rejoint la course du marathon.

One hundred and fifty people entered the marathon race.

Il a vendu sa maison pour cinquante mille dollars.

He sold his house for 50000 dollars.

J'ai dépensé cinquante dollars pour faire stériliser mon chien.

- I spent fifty dollars to get my dog spayed.
- I spent fifty dollars to get my dog fixed.
- I spent fifty dollars to get my dog neutered.

Je ne dispose que de cinquante mètres de corde.

I only have fifty meters of rope.

Je reçois une allocation mensuelle de cinquante mille yens.

I am given a monthly allowance of fifty thousand yen.

Cinquante chevaliers courageux étaient prêts pour la grande bataille.

Fifty brave knights were ready for the great battle.

Il n'écoute que des groupes rock des années cinquante.

He only listens to rock bands from the fifties.

Il y a cinquante étoiles sur le drapeau américain.

There are fifty stars on the American flag.

Beaucoup de choses ont changé ces cinquante dernières années.

A lot has changed in the past fifty years.

- Spoutnik fut lancé le quatre octobre mille-neuf-cent-cinquante-sept.
- Spoutnik fut lancé le quatre octobre dix-neuf-cent-cinquante-sept.

Sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957.