Translation of "Car" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Car" in a sentence and their english translations:





Car chère pornographie,

Because dear pornography,

car il s'avère

because it turns out

Car au final,

Because at the end of the day, for us,

Car pour moi,

Because for me,

- Nous affrétâmes un car.
- Nous avons affrété un car.

We chartered a bus.

- Mangez, car vous avez faim.
- Mange, car tu as faim.

Eat, for you are hungry.

Car vous êtes chanteur.

Because you are a singer.

Car c'est la réalité :

Because it's really true:

(Pubic) : « Or, ni, car. »

(Audience): "But-Or-Yet-So."

car j'explore la masculinité

because I'm on an exploration of masculinity,

Ne pas aller! car

do not go! because

car cela semblait naturel.

because it felt natural.

car ils l'admirent énormément.

because they have such admiration for her.

car l'aviation représente 5 %

Because air travel accounts for about 5%

Nous affrétâmes un car.

We chartered a bus.

car il retweet automatiquement,

because it'll automatically retweet,

- Je pris un taxi car le bus était en retard.
- J'ai pris un taxi car le bus était en retard.
- Je pris un taxi car le car était en retard.
- J'ai pris un taxi car le car était en retard.

I took a taxi because the bus was late.

Seulement car j'étais « trop différente ».

just because I was "too different."

car j'avais besoin de moins.

because I needed less.

Car en effet, en acceptant,

Indeed by accepting,

Car en regardant ces dessins,

Because as you look at the picture now

car je suis relativement jeune.

because I'm quite young,

Car en changeant notre humeur,

Because by changing our mood,

car elles sont incroyablement loins,

because they are incredibly far away,

Car je commets suffisamment d'erreurs

Because I make enough mistakes,

car l'avènement des ordinateurs quantiques

because quantum computers are coming,

car quand j'allais à l'école,

because when I was in school,

car je n'ai pas d'abdos.

because I haven't got a core;

car l'école était une constante.

because school was consistent.

car notre constance est automatique.

because our consistency is automatic.

Car, quand vous y réfléchissez,

Because when you think about it,

Car tant de choses reposent

Because there's so much hanging in the balance

car c'est délicat ou politique,

because it's very delicate, maybe it's political,

car j'ai peur d'être abandonnée. »

as I have fear of being abandoned."

car je pourrais les corrompre

because I could bribe students

car, strictement parlant, je récite.

because, strictly speaking, I'm reciting.

car le bruit est omniprésent,

because noise is so ubiquitous,

car simplement en utilisant internet,

because simply by connecting to the internet,

car j'ai été témoin de

because I've seen firsthand

car qu'a dit nos ancêtres?

because what did our ancestors say?

car le système va planter!

because the system will crash!

car j'avais besoin de m'entraîner.

because I needed to practise.

car il a plusieurs alias.

because he has multiple aliases.

car il s'agit de voyager.

because it's about traveling.

car ils ont tout justifié.

as they have justified it all.

Car qu'aurait-on dû faire?

Because what should one have done?

Je voulais louer un car.

- I wanted to rent a bus.
- I wanted to hire a coach.

car ils se ressemblent parfaitement.

because they look exactly the same.

car elle cache mon front.

because they're hiding my forehead.

Pardonnez-moi, car j'ai péché.

Forgive me, for I have sinned.

Mangez, car vous avez faim.

Eat, for you are hungry.

car l'intention derrière leur création

because the intention behind how they were created

car c'est notre seule référence.

because it's the only reference point we have.

car « l'homosexualité est contre nature ».

because "homosexuality is against the order of nature."

car ils partageront votre contenu.

because they'll share your content.

« Car maintenant je ne nage jamais. »

"because currently, I don't swim at all."

Car les gens gérant ce magasin

Because the people running that store

car cela détruit quelquefois notre langage.

because sometimes we trip up on the language.

Précisément car elles visent les personnes

precisely because they target people

car ils ne sont pas voyants,

because they're definitely not psychic,

car c'est mon bouquet final, OK ?

because this is my big finish, OK?

Car être vous-même est révolutionnaire.

Because being yourself is revolutionary.

car nous avons du temps ensemble

because we have exclusive time together,

car sinon nous ne survivrons pas.

or else we will not make it.

car nous avions pensé avoir gagné.

because just when we thought the war was won,

Car la langue n'est pas utile.

Because the language isn't useful.

Car il n'y a pas d'équilibre.

Because there is no equilibrium.

car lire en savourant mon temps

because taking my sweet time

car il s'agit d'un 100 mètres.

just simply because this is a 100-meter race.

car cela affecte ces millions d'individus

because that only affects all these millions of individuals

Car maintenant, je vis ces statistiques.

Because now I'm living those statistics.

Car la Terre n'est pas plate,

Because the Earth is not flat,

Se saboteront car ils sont inquiets.

will self-sabotage because they experience fret.

car, même si l'on est heureux,

because if we are happy,

car si les émissions doivent s'arrêter,

because if the emissions have to stop,

car les règles doivent être changées.

because the rules have to be changed.

Car l'art est un puissant outil.

Because art is a powerful tool.

Car les données vous permettent d'apprendre,

Because data allows you to learn,

car vous vous rencontrerez de nouveau.

because you are going to meet again.

Car dix de leurs principaux fleuves

That's because 10 of their major rivers

car elle a perdu la vue.

because of vision loss.

car l'atténuation magnétique progresse très rapidement

because magnetic attenuation progresses very fast

car je savais quand je progressais.

for when I knew that I was making progress.

car il l'utilise en sa faveur

because it uses it in his favor

car nous finissons généralement la journée.

because then we usually end work.

Quel âge a le camping-car?

How old is the motorhome?

car nous avons des échafaudages autour.

because we have scaffolding around it.

car on a pu profiter d'opportunités

because we were able to take advantage of opportunities

car elle était encore trop petite.

because it was still too small.

Puis je tressaille car je pense:

Then I flinch because I think:

car ce n'est pas toujours sûr.

because it is not always safe.

J'ai honte car j'ai agi stupidement.

I'm ashamed because I acted foolishly.