Translation of "Unwilling" in Spanish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Unwilling" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I am unwilling to negotiate.

No estoy dispuesto a negociarlo.

She was unwilling to tell her name.

Ella no quería decir su nombre.

There are many unwilling to participate in this process,

Hay muchos que no quieren participar en este proceso,

Tom is unwilling to help Mary with her homework.

Tom no está dispuesto a ayudar a Mary con la tarea.

Tom seems to be unwilling to tell Mary what happened.

Tom parece no estar dispuesto a decirle a María lo que pasó.

Tom seems to be unwilling to be a suicide bomber.

Tom parece no estar dispuesto a ser un terrorista suicida que hace estallar una bomba.

- I'm not willing to do that.
- I'm unwilling to do that.

Yo no estoy dispuesto a hacer eso.

Anyone who is unwilling to read does not understand the joy of reading.

Cualquiera que no esté dispuesto a leer no comprende el placer de la lectura.

She coaxed and wheedled her unwilling child into going to the dentist with her.

Convenció a su reticente hijo de que debía ir al dentista con ella y que no pasaría nada.

- Tom was unwilling to go by himself.
- Tom wasn't willing to go by himself.

Tom no quería ir sólo.

I was unwilling to agree to the proposal, but it seemed that I had no choice.

Estaba indispuesto a aceptar la propuesta, pero parecía que no tenía alternativa.

- Tom seems to be unwilling to tackle the problem.
- Tom doesn't seem to be willing to tackle the problem.

Tom no parece estar dispuesto a abordar el problema.

- Tom was unwilling to pay that much money for a secondhand computer.
- Tom wasn't willing to pay that much money for a secondhand computer.

- Tom estaba indispuesto a pagar tanto dinero por un computador de segunda mano.
- Tom no estaba dispuesto a pagar tanto por un computador usado.

In the field of international relations this president is an abject failure. He is unwilling even to shake hands with one of our most important allies.

En el campo de las relaciones internacionales, este presidente es un completo fracaso. No está dispuesto ni siquiera a darle la mano a uno de nuestros aliados más importantes.

- It's difficult to teach people what they're unwilling to learn.
- It's difficult to teach people what they aren't willing to learn.
- It's difficult to teach people what they're not willing to learn.

Es difícil enseñar a la gente lo que no están dispuestos a aprender.