Translation of "Treasures" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Treasures" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I think you have treasures.

Creo que tú tienes tesoros.

- It is rumoured there are treasures hidden there.
- It is rumored there are treasures hidden there.
- It's rumored there are treasures hidden there.

Se rumorea que hay tesoros escondidos allí.

But there are treasures that can be found there.

Pero hay tesoros que se pueden encontrar allí.

Few treasures are worth as much as a friend.

Quien tiene un amigo tiene un tesoro.

Which is one of the treasures of the U.S.,

que es uno de los tesoros de EE. UU.,

Every year, hundreds of people come to harvest these treasures from the deep.

Todos los años, cientos de personas vienen a cosechar estos tesoros desde lo profundo.

Few treasures are worth as much as a friend who is wise and helpful.

Pocos tesoros son tan valiosos como un amigo sabio y servicial.

Strewn here and there behold / arms, planks, lone swimmers in the surges grey, / and treasures snatched from Trojan homes away.

Vense cuál surgen unos pocos nadando en la revuelta extensión de las aguas, entre vigas y armas que flotan sobre el mar y restos de tesoros de Ilión.

When the knight went into the dragon's den, he was amazed at all the treasures in there, although luckily the dragon wasn't there.

Cuando el caballero entró en el cubil del dragón se quedó maravillado por todos los tesoros que allí había, aunque por suerte el dragón no estaba.