Translation of "Somewhat" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Somewhat" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Or at least somewhat.

o al menos, algo.

Tom was somewhat doubtful.

Tom estaba algo dudoso.

That looks somewhat dangerous.

Eso se ve algo peligroso.

That seems somewhat dangerous.

Parece ser un poco peligroso.

She is somewhat refined.

Ella es un tanto refinada.

I was somewhat nervous.

- Estaba algo nervioso.
- Me encontraba algo inquieto.

With my somewhat controversial title,

por mi título que es algo controvertido,

He somewhat resembles his father.

Él de alguna manera se asemeja a su padre.

The headline is somewhat misleading.

- El titular es un poco engañoso.
- El titular es un tanto engañoso.

Dating, it monetizes somewhat well,

Citas, se monetiza bastante bien,

Your opinion is somewhat old-fashioned.

Tu opinión está un poco pasada de moda.

Your beloved but somewhat blundering dwarf

Tu querido pero algo torpe enano

Tom seemed to be somewhat disappointed.

Tom parecía estar algo decepcionado.

Tom is somewhat older than I.

Tom es algo mayor que yo.

That revolutionary, vehement, and somewhat crazy boy,

Aquel muchacho revolucionario, vehemente y algo alocado,

A vehement, revolutionary, and somewhat crazy boy.

vehemente, revolucionario, y algo alocado.

The small stream flows here, somewhat hidden,

El pequeño arroyo fluye aquí, algo escondido,

That is somewhat explained at the end.

Por fin está más o menos explicado.

He was somewhat better the following day.

Al día siguiente, él se sintió un poco mejor.

The ability to focus has been somewhat overlooked

la capacidad de concentrase ha quedado en segundo plano

It might sound pedagogical but it's somewhat cruel.

Que puede sonar pedagógico pero es al menos un poquito cruel eso.

With the idea for the somewhat different hotel.

la idea de un hotel algo diferente.

Task ahead of him which is somewhat... complicated.

tarea por delante que es algo ... complicado.

The washing machine is somewhat out of order.

La lavadora no funciona bien.

Eating yogurt with a fork is somewhat difficult.

Comer yogur con un tenedor es algo difícil.

This verb is somewhat similar to "to drink".

Este verbo se parece un poco a "beber".

It makes your blog optimized somewhat for Google.

Hace que tu sitio web sea algo optimizado para Google.

But they use it in a somewhat different way,

pero de una manera diferente:

That made me somewhat of a digital lightning rod.

que me convirtió en una especie de pararrayos digital.

He's somewhat hard of hearing, so please speak louder.

- Es algo duro de oído, así que haga el favor de hablar un poco más alto.
- Es algo duro de oído, por favor, ¿puede hablar un poco más alto?

Typing capital letters on a computer is somewhat tedious.

Es algo tedioso usar las mayúsculas en un computador.

When he saw her letter, he felt somewhat uneasy.

- Cuando él vio su carta, se sintió algo inquieto.
- Cuando él vio su carta, se sintió algo intranquilo.

And so therefore, supply and demand were still somewhat balanced.

así, la oferta y la demanda seguían siendo de alguna manera equilibradas.

- We have better weather today.
- Today's weather is somewhat better.

El clima está hoy un poco mejor.

A skinny black kid in a kind of somewhat racist town.

delgadito, negro, en una ciudad algo racista,

The interface of this website is somewhat pedestrian, but it’s simple.

La interfaz de esta página web es un poco pedestre, pero es simple.

I sometimes think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability.

A veces creo que Dios sobrestimó sus capacidades al crear al hombre.

- He is a bit like his father.
- He somewhat resembles his father.

Es un poco como su padre.

Erkin's definitely a good guy, but just has a somewhat weak character.

Erkin definitivamente es un buen tipo, pero igual tiene un carácter algo débil.

I am very good at appearing organised, although the reality is somewhat different.

Se me da muy bien parecer organizado, aunque la realidad sea un poco diferente.

- Your opinion is somewhat old-fashioned.
- Your opinion is a little old-fashioned.

Tu opinión está un poco pasada de moda.

I don't care if their products are somewhat similar to mine, if it's amazing, I'm going

No me importa si sus productos son similares a los míos,

somewhat similar to how Google sees your website.\ They give you a glimpse under their hood and

de una manera similar a como la ve Google. Te darán una vista general

Once you use a tactic, and you realize, "Hey, this is somewhat working," you can then take

Una vez que uses una táctica, y te des cuenta, "hey, esto está funcionando", entonces puedes usar

The collaboration between these somewhat eccentric men was filled with strain and compromise on both sides, but in the end they appear to have gotten on well.

La colaboración entre esos hombres un tanto excéntricos estuvo llena de tensión y acuerdo entre ambas partes, pero al fin y al cabo, parecen haberse llevado bien.

- Tom is a little older than me.
- Tom is somewhat older than I.
- Tom is a bit older than me.
- Tom is a little older than I am.

Tom es algo mayor que yo.