Translation of "Sally" in Spanish

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Sally" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

What happened, Sally?

¿Qué ha pasado, Sally?

My name is Sally.

Me llamo Sally.

Sally called on Mr Taylor.

Sally visitó al Sr. Taylor.

- Sally is two years senior to Ken.
- Sally is two years older than Ken.

Sally tiene dos años más que Ken.

Sally met Harry at the station.

Sally se encontró con Harry en la estación.

Sally gave him a Christmas present.

Sally le dio un regalo de Navidad.

Sally was constantly changing her hairstyle.

Sally constantemente cambiaba su peinado.

Sally is two years older than Ken.

Sally tiene dos años más que Ken.

Sally made his brother clean the bathroom.

Sally obligó a su hermano a limpiar el baño.

Sally and I work in the same office.

Sally y yo trabajamos en la misma oficina.

Harry is ashamed of having lied to Sally.

Harry se avergüenza de haberle mentido a Sally.

- Sally lost the contact lenses she had bought the day before.
- Sally lost the contact lenses she had purchased the previous day.

Sally perdió las lentes de contacto que acababa de comprar el día anterior.

Sally exchanged a twenty-dollar bill for five-dollar bills.

Sally cambió un billete de veinte dólares por billetes de cinco.

Everyone opposed it, but Sally and Bob got married all the same.

Todos se oponían, pero Sally y Bob se casaron igualmente.

- Sally missed two weeks of school, so she has to work hard to catch up with her class.
- Sally was absent from school for two weeks, so she has to work hard to catch up with her class.

Sally faltó dos semanas a la escuela, por lo que tiene que estudiar mucho para ponerse al día.

A woman did not magically appear on a space shuttle. It took Sally Ride’s relentless commitment, Mae Jemison’s boundless courage to shatter that glass ceiling.

Una mujer no apareció mágicamente en el transbordador espacial. Requirió la dedicación implacable de Sally Ride y el coraje sin fin de Mae Jemison para hacer añicos ese techo de cristal.