Translation of "Running" in Spanish

0.018 sec.

Examples of using "Running" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- I've been running.
- I was running.

He estado corriendo.

Start running.

- Empieza a correr.
- Comienza a correr.

Keep running.

- Seguí corriendo.
- Sigue corriendo.
- Siga corriendo.
- Sigan corriendo.

He's running.

Él está corriendo.

- Time is running out.
- Time's running out.

El tiempo se está agotando.

- He is running.
- He runs.
- He's running.

Él corre.

- Your nose is running.
- Your nose is running!

Se te caen los mocos.

She hates running.

Ella odia correr.

She isn't running.

Ella no está corriendo.

He came running.

Él vino corriendo.

He began running.

Él empezó a correr.

He is running.

Él está corriendo.

We're running late.

- Vamos con retraso.
- Vamos tarde.
- Se nos hizo tarde.

Tom likes running.

A Tom le gusta correr.

Tom hates running.

Tom odia correr.

You're running late.

- Vas tarde.
- Se te hizo tarde.
- Vas con retraso.

They kept running.

- Continuaron corriendo.
- Siguieron corriendo.

They're running late.

- Se les hizo tarde.
- Ellos van con retraso.
- Ellos van tarde.

I'm running late.

- Se me hizo tarde.
- Voy tarde.
- Voy con retraso.

Tom is running.

Tom está corriendo.

Ken wasn't running.

Ken no estaba corriendo.

He hates running.

Odia correr.

I was running.

Yo corría.

She was running.

Ella corría.

- There is no running water.
- There's no running water.

No hay agua corriente.

- My time is running out.
- I'm running out of time.

- No me da tiempo.
- Me falta tiempo.

- I like to run.
- I like running.
- I enjoy running.

Me gusta correr.

- I'm running out of patience.
- I'm running out of patience!

Mi paciencia se está agotando.

Time is running out.

Nos estamos quedando sin tiempo.

The boy came running.

El niño vino corriendo.

Oil is running short.

Se ha agotado el aceite.

They are running now.

Ahora están corriendo.

I saw him running.

- Lo vi correr.
- Lo vi corriendo.

They're running without shoes.

- Están corriendo sin zapatos.
- Están corriendo descalzos.
- Están corriendo descalzas.

Why are we running?

¿Por qué estamos corriendo?

The tap is running.

El grifo gotea.

I'm running behind schedule.

Voy con retraso sobre lo previsto.

Why are you running?

¿Por qué estás corriendo?

Time was running out.

El tiempo se estaba agotando.

He is running indoors.

Él está corriendo en interior.

She is running outdoors.

Ella está corriendo afuera.

I'm sick of running.

Estoy harto de correr.

He's running very quickly.

- Él corre muy rápido.
- Corre muy rápido.

Who's running this place?

¿Quién dirige este lugar?

Tom is running late.

A Tom se le hizo tarde.

Do you like running?

¿Te gusta correr?

Stop running your mouth!

- ¡Dejate de habladurías!
- ¡Dejá de mandar fruta!

Leave the engine running.

Deja el motor encendido.

A dog was running.

Había un perro corriendo.

That boy is running.

Ese chico está corriendo.

He doesn't like running.

No le gusta correr.

- I am running short of money.
- I'm running short of money.

Me estoy quedando sin dinero.

- Someone must have left the water running.
- Someone must've left the water running.
- Somebody must've left the water running.

- Alguien debe de haber dejado el agua dada.
- Alguien se debe de haber dejado el agua corriendo.

- Running is good for the health.
- Running is good for your health.

Correr es bueno para la salud.

- I know that running boy.
- I know that boy who is running.

Conozco al niño que está corriendo.

The risk we're running here

El riesgo que estamos corriendo acá

Time was running against him.

El tiempo iba en su contra.

She's running out of tree.

Se está quedando sin árbol.

Who was running ABC Entertainment

que estaba a cargo de ABC Entertainment

Don't leave the water running.

No dejes correr el agua.

I got the machine running.

Hice andar la máquina.

The toilet won't stop running.

- El váter pierde agua.
- La cisterna no para de soltar agua.
- La cisterna se ha atascado.

How fast she is running!

¡Qué rápido corre!

- He ran.
- He was running.

Él corrió.

Where is he running now?

¿Dónde está corriendo él ahora?

He left the motor running.

- Él dejó el motor encendido.
- Dejó el motor andando.

The killers are running away!

¡Los asesinos están huyendo!

Do you go running daily?

¿Corres todos los días?

- He is running.
- He runs.

- Él corre.
- Él está corriendo.

I saw him running away.

Lo vi escaparse.