Translation of "Light " in Spanish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Light " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

A light bulb gives light.

- Una ampolleta entrega luz.
- Un bombillo da luz.

Light is quintessential. Light is life.

Lo más importante es la luz. La luz es vida.

Light skin?

¿Piel clara?

And light.

y liviano.

- Turn off the light.
- Put out the light.
- Turn the light off.

- Apaga la luz.
- Apague la luz.

Light skin, light eyes, long, soft real hair.

piel clara, ojos claros, cabello largo, suave y real.

- The light is out.
- The light is off.

La luz está apagada.

- Turn off the light.
- Turn the light off.

- Apaga la luz.
- Apague la luz.

- Turn off the light.
- Put out the light.

Apaga la luz.

Light now returns.

ahora, la luz vuelve.

Water reflects light.

El agua refleja la luz.

I ate light.

Comí ligero.

Light the candles.

Enciende las velas.

Light the candle.

- Encienda la candela.
- Enciende la vela.

They take in light and the light creates energy.

toman la luz y esa luz crea energía.

- It is still light outside.
- It's still light outside.

- Todavía está claro afuera.
- Todavía hay luz afuera.

Light is light, but blind people don't see it.

La luz es luz, pero el ciego no la ve.

- I can see the light.
- I see a light.

- Puedo ver la luz.
- Veo una luz.

- The light turned green.
- The light has turned green.

El semáforo se ha puesto verde.

- The traffic light turned green.
- The light turned green.

La luz del semáforo cambió a verde.

- Who turned off the light?
- Who switched off the light?
- Who turned the light off?

¿Quién apagó la luz?

- I'm turning the light off.
- I'm switching the light off.
- I'm switching off the light.

Apago la lámpara.

- And God said: Let there be light. And there was light.
- And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Dijo Dios: "Haya luz", y hubo luz.

And that's because blood absorbs red light and infrared light.

Y eso es porque la sangre absorbe luz roja y luz infrarroja.

- Turn on the light, please.
- Turn the light on, please.

- Encienda la luz, por favor.
- Enciende la luz, por favor.

- The traffic light changed to red.
- The light turned red.

- El semáforo se puso rojo.
- El semáforo se puso en rojo.

- He turned off the light.
- She turned off the light.

- Ella apagó la luz.
- Él apagó la luz.
- Apagó las luces.

- Bugs are attracted to light.
- Insects are attracted to light.

Los insectos son atraídos por la luz.

- Don't turn off the light.
- Don't turn the light off.

No apagues la luz.

- I had a light lunch.
- I ate a light lunch.

Comí un almuerzo liviano.

- Who turned off the light?
- Who turned the light off?

¿Quién apagó la luz?

- Tom turned on the light.
- Tom flipped on the light.

Tom encendió la luz.

- Please turn on the light.
- Please turn the light on.

Haga el favor de encender la luz.

Light couldn’t spread inside.

no puede propagarse por su interior.

Light bulb goes off.

Se encendió la bombilla.

When the light fades...

cuando la luz se desvanece,

30 seconds Contact light

30 segundos Luz de contacto

The light turned red.

La luz se puso roja.

A mirror reflects light.

Un espejo refleja la luz.

Please light a candle.

Enciende una vela, por favor.

The light is on.

La luz está encendida.

The light went on.

La luz se prendió.

Black cloth absorbs light.

La ropa negra absorbe la luz.

This sheet is light.

Esta sábana es liviana.

Put out the light.

- Apaga la luz.
- Apague la luz.

This chair is light.

Esta silla es liviana.

The light is out.

- La bombilla está fundida.
- La luz está apagada.

I see a light.

Veo una luz.

The box is light.

La caja es ligera.

The room is light.

La habitación es luminosa.

Turn on the light!

Enciende las luces.

I'm a light sleeper.

Tengo el sueño ligero.

Let there be light!

¡Hágase la luz!

This laptop is light.

Este portátil es liviano.

I need more light.

Necesito más luz.

It was light enough.

Era lo suficientemente ligero.

The light bulb burst.

La ampolleta se reventó.

That light is green.

Esa luz es verde.

I'll eat something light.

Comeré algo ligero.

Where's the light switch?

¿Dónde está la llave de la luz?

It's still light out.

Todavía hay luz afuera.

The light turned on.

La luz se encendió.