Translation of "Hours'" in Spanish

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Hours'" in a sentence and their spanish translations:



It rained for hours and hours.

Llovió por horas y horas.

She waited for hours and hours.

Ella esperó muchas horas.

Seven hours.

Siete horas.

He kept waiting for hours and hours.

Él siguió esperando durante horas.

Workers are working hours reduced to 8 hours

los trabajadores reducen las horas de trabajo a 8 horas

- He works for hours.
- She works for hours.

Trabaja durante horas.

The 87,000 hours,

las 87.000 horas,

Keep early hours.

- Levantate temprano.
- Levántate temprano.

It'll take hours.

Llevará horas.

Reducing the time from 97 hours to 23 hours.

reduciendo el tiempo de 97 a 23 horas.

- I slept nine hours.
- I slept for nine hours.

- Dormí nueve horas.
- He dormido nueve horas.

- I waited three hours.
- I waited for three hours.

Esperé tres horas.

- We waited for three hours.
- We waited three hours.

Esperé 3 horas.

The next few hours .

las próximas horas .

She waited for hours.

Ella esperó por horas.

Working hours and officers

jornadas laborales y los oficiales que

For probably several hours.

probablemente durante varias horas.

Wait for six hours.

Espera seis horas.

I slept nine hours.

Dormí nueve horas.

The hours ticked by.

Las horas pasaban.

Give me two hours.

Dame dos horas.

He works for hours.

Trabaja durante horas.

- He sat there for hours.
- He stayed sitting there for hours.

Él se quedó sentado ahí por horas.

- The film lasted 2 hours.
- The movie ran for two hours.

- La película duró 2 horas.
- La película duró dos horas.

- I only slept for three hours.
- I slept only three hours.

Solo he dormido tres horas.

- Tom has waited for three hours.
- Tom waited for three hours.

Tom esperó tres horas.

- I usually sleep eight hours.
- I usually sleep for eight hours.

Suelo dormir ocho horas.

- That concert lasted three hours.
- That concert lasted for three hours.

Este concierto duró tres horas.

- He works eight hours a day.
- He works eight hours every day.

Él trabaja ocho horas al día.

- He came home three hours later.
- She came home three hours later.

- Vino a casa tres horas más tarde.
- Ella volvió a casa tres horas después.

- He came home three hours later.
- He returned home three hours later.

Él volvió a casa tres horas después.

- I'll be back in two hours.
- I'll be back within two hours.

Vuelvo en dos horas.

- Tom got here three hours early.
- Tom came here three hours ago.

Tom llegó aquí tres horas antes.

Imagine working 97 hours straight,

Imaginen trabajar 97 horas de corrido,

Every 12 hours at least,

12 horas al menos sin enchufarse,

For hours around the nest

durante horas alrededor del nido

The meeting lasted two hours.

La reunión duró dos horas.

I spent hours reading books.

Pasé muchas horas leyendo libros.

We’ve been waiting for hours.

Hemos estado esperando durante horas.

The film lasted 2 hours.

La película duró dos horas.

I've run for three hours.

Tuve que correr por tres horas.

I've been waiting for hours.

Estoy esperando hace horas.

My grandfather keeps early hours.

A mi abuelo le gusta acostarse y levantarse temprano.

The show lasted two hours.

El espectáculo duró dos horas.

I waited for five hours.

Esperé durante cinco horas.

What are the meal hours?

¿Cuáles son las horas de comida?

We walked for two hours.

Andamos durante dos horas.

I've been ready for hours.

Llevo horas lista.

She worked for several hours.

Ella trabajó durante varias horas.

We only have three hours.

Solo tenemos tres horas.

His speech lasted three hours.

Su discurso duró tres horas.

She died two hours later.

Murió dos horas después.

We were trying for hours.

Tratamos por horas.

How many hours are left?

¿Cuántas horas faltan?

This task took three hours.

Esta tarea requirió tres horas.

I slept twelve hours yesterday.

Dormí doce horas ayer.

We're three hours behind schedule.

Estamos con tres horas de retraso.

I slept for nine hours.

Dormí nueve horas.

I only slept two hours.

- Sólo dormí por dos horas.
- Solo dormí dos horas.

The boy slept eight hours.

El niño durmió ocho horas.

He died two hours later.

- Él murió dos horas más tarde.
- Murió dos horas después.

He worked for several hours.

Él trabajó durante varias horas.