Translation of "Himself…  " in Spanish

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Himself…  " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Tom did it himself.
- Tom did it by himself.
- Tom made it himself.
- Tom made that himself.
- Tom did that himself.

Tom lo hizo por sí mismo.

Tells himself

se dice a sí mismo

Mummifying himself


- Tom poisoned himself.
- Tom has poisoned himself.

Tomás se envenenó.

- He did it himself.
- He himself did it.

Lo hizo él mismo.

- He contradicts himself constantly.
- He constantly contradicts himself.

Se contradice continuamente.

Tom hurt himself.

Tom se hizo daño.

He hanged himself.

Él se ahorcó.

Tom introduced himself.

Tom se presentó.

He hides himself.

Él se esconde.

He hates himself.

Se odia a sí mismo.

Tom helped himself.

- Tom se sirvió.
- Tom se ayudó a sí mismo.

He washes himself.

Él se lava.

Tom corrected himself.

Tom se autocorrigió.

Tom washed himself.

Tom se lavó.

He's beside himself.

Está fuera de sí.

Tom scratched himself.

Tom se rascó.

Tom shot himself.

Tom se pegó un tiro.

He revenged himself.

Él se vengó.

Tom hates himself.

Tom se odia a sí mismo.

He killed himself.

Él se suicidó.

Tom burned himself.

Tom se quemó.

- He thinks of nothing but himself.
- He only thinks about himself.
- He thinks of no one but himself.
- He thinks only of himself.

Él solo piensa en sí mismo.

- He cares for nobody but himself.
- He thinks of nothing but himself.
- He thinks only about himself.

- Él no piensa más que en sí mismo.
- Él solo piensa en sí mismo.

Introduces himself to me.

y se presenta.

Every man for himself.

Cada uno a lo suyo.

He himself said so.

Lo dijo él mismo.

He professed himself satisfied.

Dijo claramente que estaba satisfecho.

He himself tried it.

- Él mismo lo probó.
- Él mismo lo intentó.

He did it himself.

Lo hizo él mismo.

He expressed himself clearly.

Se expresó con claridad.

He shouted himself hoarse.

Él gritó hasta quedar ronco.

He lives by himself.

Él vive solo.

Tom is fanning himself.

Tom se está abanicando.

Gingerbread Man hanged himself.

El hombre de jengibre se colgó.

He talked to himself.

Él habló consigo mismo.

He taught himself French.

Él aprendió por sí mismo el francés.

He himself went there.

Él mismo fue allí.

He himself did it.

- Lo hizo él mismo.
- Él mismo lo hizo.

Tom laughed at himself.

Tom se rio de sí mismo.

He controls himself admirably.

Se contiene admirablemente.

He's talking to himself.

Está hablando consigo mismo.

Tom is himself again.

Tom es el mismo de nuevo.

Tom shouted himself hoarse.

Tom gritó hasta quedarse afónico.

He actually hurt himself.

En realidad, él se hirió solo.

Tom considered himself lucky.

- Tom se consideraba afortunado.
- Tom se consideraba suertudo.

He kept himself aloof.

Él se mantuvo apartado.

Tom couldn't control himself.

- Tom no supo controlarse.
- Tom no se pudo controlar.

He considers himself ill.

Él se considera enfermo.

Tom didn't introduce himself.

Tom no se presentó.

Epstein didn't kill himself.

- Epstein no se suicidó.
- Epstein no se mató.

Tom likes challenging himself.

A Tom le gusta desafiarse.

- He devoted himself to reading books.
- He threw himself into reading.

Se dedicó a leer libros.

- I think Tom blames himself.
- I think that Tom blames himself.

Creo que Tom se culpa a sí mismo.

- He hurt himself when he fell.
- He hurt himself upon falling.

- Se hizo daño cuando cayó.
- Él se lastimó al caer.

- I think Tom killed himself.
- I think that Tom killed himself.

Creo que Tom se ha matado.

- Tom doesn't like to repeat himself.
- Tom doesn't like repeating himself.

A Tom no le gusta repetirse.

- He cannot take care of himself.
- He can't take care of himself.

Él no se puede cuidar solo.

He bought himself a rope and threw himself behind the moving train.

Él se compró una cuerda y se arrojó detrás de un tren andando.

- Tom shut himself up in his room.
- Tom locked himself in his room.
- Tom has locked himself in his room.

Tom se encerró en su cuarto.

Let the guy enjoy himself...

Dejadle que disfrute al chico...

Himself pressed on two sides.

presionado en dos lados.

Crowning himself king of Portugal.

coronarse rey de Portugal.

A strong sense of himself...

un fuerte sentido de sí mismo,

Was a Waldorf student himself.

fue un estudiante de Waldorf.

Tom lacks confidence in himself.

A Tom le falta confianza en sí mismo.

He seated himself beside her.

Él se sentó a su lado.

He distanced himself from politics.

Él se distanció de la política.

He prepared supper by himself.

- Se preparó la cena él solo.
- Él mismo se preparó la cena.
- Él solo se hizo la cena.

He tried to kill himself.

Él intentó suicidarse.

He exposed himself to danger.

Él se expuso al peligro.

He went there by himself.

Él fue allí solo.

He bought himself a dog.

Se compró un perro.

Tom was talking to himself.

Tom estaba hablando consigo mismo.

Tom poured himself some milk.

Tom se sirvió algo de leche.