Translation of "Gained " in Spanish

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "Gained " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- You have gained weight.
- You've gained weight.

Has ganado peso.

- I have gained weight.
- I've gained weight.

- He subido de peso.
- He ganado peso.

- Tom has gained weight.
- Tom gained weight.

Tom ha subido de peso.

- I've gained three kilos.
- I've gained three kilograms.

He engordado tres kilos.

They gained a victory.

Ellos lograron una victoria.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

- El que no arriesga, no gana.
- El que no arriesga no gana.
- Quien no arriesga, no gana.
- El que nada arriesga, nada tiene.
- Sin riesgo, no hay beneficio.
- Nada arriesgado, nada ganado.

I've gained five kilograms.

He engordado cinco quilos.

I've gained three kilograms.

Engordé tres kilos.

He has gained weight.

Él subió de peso.

Mary has gained weight.

- María subió de peso.
- María engordó.

She has gained weight.

Ha ganado peso.

Tom gained American citizenship.

- Tom consiguió la nacionalidad estadounidense.
- Tomás obtuvo la ciudadanía estadounidense.

I've gained weight again.

He vuelto a ganar peso.

- I have gained weight.
- I've gained weight.
- I've put on weight.

He ganado peso.

- He has been gaining weight.
- He has gained weight.
- He gained weight.

Él subió de peso.

You've gained weight, haven't you?

Has aumentado de peso, ¿no es verdad?

You've gained a few pounds.

Ganaste un par de quilos.

- I've gained weight.
- I arrived.

He ganado peso.

Because you're focusing on what's gained,

porque nos centramos en lo positivo,

And he gained the weight back.

Y recuperó su peso.

And has already gained some experience.

y ya ha ganado algo de experiencia.

I gained a lot of impressions

Gané muchas impresiones

I gained admission to the club.

Conseguí ingresar en el club.

Our team gained a great victory.

Nuestro equipo consiguió una gran victoria.

He has gained a few pounds.

Ha cogido unos cuantos quilos.

Tom gained weight over the winter.

Tom subió de peso en el invierno.

Last week I gained another five pounds.

La semana pasada volví a ganar cinco libras de peso.

You seem to have gained some weight.

Parece que has cogido un par de quilos.

Last week I gained back five pounds.

La semana pasada volví a ganar cinco libras de peso.

I have gained two kilograms this summer.

He engordado dos kilos este verano.

He gained nothing by telling me that.

No ganó nada con decirme eso.

His sincerity gained the confidence of everyone.

Con su sinceridad ganó la confianza de todos.

Nothing will be gained by getting angry.

Enojándose no arreglará nada.

- She gained fifty pounds after she got married.
- She gained 23 kg after she got married.
- She gained 3 and a half stones after she got married.

Ella subió veintitrés kilos después de que se casó.

- Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
- No risk, no reward.

- El que no arriesga no gana.
- Sin riesgo, no hay beneficio.

She gained 23 kg after she got married.

Ella subió veintitrés kilos después de que se casó.

Tom has gained a lot of weight recently.

Tom ha subido mucho de peso recientemente.

As the saying goes, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

- Como dice el refrán, "quien no se aventura, no pasa la mar".
- Como dice el refrán, "Nada arriesgado, nada ganado".

- She gained her end.
- She achieved her goal.

Ella alcanzó su objetivo.

We gained access to the house through the window.

Obtuvimos acceso a la casa a través de la ventana.

I gained a clear picture of how it works.

Me quedó claro cómo funciona.

She gained a position of responsibility in the firm.

Ella adquirió un puesto de responsabilidad de la compañía.

- I've put on weight recently.
- I've gained weight recently.

- He subido de peso últimamente.
- He engordado últimamente.

I've gained weight and these pants are quite tight.

- He engordado y estos pantalones me quedan muy justos.
- He engordado y estos pantalones me quedan muy apretados.

He gained the prize by dint of hard work.

Consiguió el premio a fuerza de trabajar duro.

Tom gained the respect and loyalty of his employees.

Tom se ganó el respeto y la lealtad de sus empleados.

Tom has gained weight since I last saw him.

Tom ha engordado desde la última vez que le vi.

- I have put on two kilograms this summer.
- I have gained two kilograms this summer.
- I gained two kilos this summer.

Este verano he engordado dos kilos.

This idea that we're 99.9% identical has gained great traction

Esta idea de que somos el 99,9% idénticos ha arraigado mucho

I gained a whole new level of appreciation for mathematics.

Obtuve un nuevo nivel de aprecio por las matemáticas.

My strong point is my philosophy - nothing ventured nothing gained.

Mi punto fuerte es mi filosofía - Nada arriesgado, nada ganado.

The hacker gained access to sensitive files in the company's database.

El hacker ganó acceso a archivos sensibles en la base de datos de la compañía.

His generals and his troops have gained  everlasting claims on my gratitude.”

sus generales y sus tropas han ganado reclamos eternos sobre mi gratitud".

- The car slowly gathered speed.
- Little by little the car gained speed.

El coche ganó velocidad poco a poco.

I must have gained some weight. My jeans' button is really tight.

¿Habré engordado un poco? Me aprietan los vaqueros.

You know, and not only has cannabis gained a whole lot of territory

Y no solo ha ganado una gran extensión de territorio

The 12+ hours gained allowed the Prussians to field an army at Sombreffe.

Esas más de 12 horas les permitió a los prusianos acampar un ejército en Sombreffe.

In addition, by controlling Braila, Mihai gained a strategically important position against Moldavia.

Además, al controlar Braila, Mihai ganó una importante posición estratégica contra Moldavia.

Tom has gained weight since we last saw him, to say the least.

Tom ha subido de peso desde la última vez que lo vimos, por decir lo menos.

Once the Romans gained a firm footing and were adequately reinforced the Islanders were

Una vez que los romanos tuvieron un paso firme y estaban reforzados adecuadamente los isleños no fueron

- A penny saved is a penny earned.
- A penny saved is a penny gained.

- Un centavo ahorrado es un centavo ganado.
- Un peso ahorrado es un peso ganado.

The graphic quickly adopted the name of The Doomsday Clock, and eventually gained world

El gráfico rápidamente adoptó el nombre de "El Reloj del Fin del Mundo", y eventualmente ganó

I went to meet Adam to ask him if he thought he'd gained votes

Fui a conocer a Adam para preguntarle si pensaba que había ganado votos

Seeking to capitalize on the momentum gained from the 1355 raid, King Edward III orders

Buscando el capitalizar el impulso obtenido de la incursión de 1355, el rey Edward III ordena

- I have put on two kilograms this summer.
- I have gained two kilograms this summer.

Este verano he engordado dos kilos.

- Tom has put on a lot of weight.
- Tom has gained a lot of weight.

Tom ha engordado mucho.

I haven't eaten very much but have gained as much as five kilos in a half year.

No comí mucho pero he aumentado cinco quilos en medio año.

There is nothing to be gained by praising a spoiled child. They should be brought up strictly.

No tiene sentido halagar a un niño mimado. Ellos deben recibir una educación estrícta.

- I've put on a lot of weight since Christmas.
- I've gained a lot of weight since Christmas.

He engordado mucho desde Navidad.

- He won fame by the novel.
- He gained renown through the novel.
- The novel made him famous.

Él se hizo famoso por la novela.

I've kept my weight down even though many of my friends have gained weight as they've grown older.

He mantenido mi peso bajo, a pesar de que muchos de mis amigos han aumentado de peso mientras se hacían mas viejos.

- He who risks nothing, gains nothing.
- Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
- One who doesn't take risks will not win.

- El que no arriesga, no gana.
- El que no arriesga no gana.
- Quien no arriesga, no gana.
- No se pescan truchas a bragas enjutas.

- The burglar gained access to the house through this door.
- The burglar came into the house through this door.

El ladrón entró en la casa por esta puerta.

- A penny saved is a penny earned.
- A penny saved is a penny gained.
- Penny saved is penny got.

Un peso ahorrado es un peso ganado.

With such little benefit gained, this is a habit it would be best for me to curb. I could be doing more productive things with my precious time.

Con tan poco beneficio ganado, este es un hábito que sería mejor para mí frenar. Podría estar haciendo cosas más productivas con mi precioso tiempo.