Translation of "Convince" in Spanish

0.035 sec.

Examples of using "Convince" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

We'll convince Tom.

Convenceremos a Tom.

We couldn't convince him.

No pudimos convencerlo.

Tom couldn't convince Mary.

Tom no pudo convencer a María.

That wouldn't convince me.

Eso no me convencería.

This didn't convince anyone.

Esto no convenció a nadie.

You don't have to convince me. You have to convince Tom.

No tienes que convencerme a mí. Tienes que convencer a Tom.

How did you convince them?

¿Cómo los convenciste?

Easier to convince the bigwigs

más sencillo convencer a los gerifaltes

His arguments don't convince me.

No me convencen sus argumentos.

It is hard to convince Jack.

Es difícil convencer a Jack.

Who are you trying to convince?

¿A quién estás intentando convencer?

It is hard to convince John.

Es difícil convencer a John.

I did convince colleagues in Europe

Convencí a algunos colegas de Europa

But you still gotta convince them.

pero aún tienes que convencerlos.

- I'm not sure I can convince Tom.
- I'm not sure that I can convince Tom.

- No estoy seguro de que pueda convencer a Tom.
- No estoy seguro de poder convencer a Tom.

To convince these people in those years

Para convencer a estas personas en esos años.

The way to convince people to lie

la manera de convencer a la gente de que mienta

I found it difficult to convince her.

Me resultó difícil convencerla.

It was not easy to convince him.

No fue fácil convencerle.

What can I do to convince you?

¿Qué puedo hacer para convencerte?

We need to convince Tom to come.

Necesitamos convencer a Tom de que venga.

She couldn't convince him to go home.

Ella no lo pudo convencer de que se fuera a casa.

How did you manage to convince Tom?

¿Cómo lograste convencer a Tom?

There wasn't a way to convince him.

No ha habido manera de convencerle.

"Hi Neil, how do I convince people

"Hola Neil, ¿cómo convenzo a la gente?

- Tom tried to convince everyone that he was innocent.
- Tom tried to convince everybody that he was innocent.

Tom trató de convencer a todos que él era inocente.

My intention today is not to convince you

Mi intención no es convencerlos

Above all, however, he has to convince people

Sin embargo, sobre todo, tiene que convencer a la gente de

I could not convince him of his mistake.

- No he conseguido que reconozca su error.
- No pude sacarle de su error.
- No he podido hacerle ver su error.

I can easily convince you of his innocence.

Puedo convencerte fácilmente de su inocencia.

She was tired of trying to convince him.

Ella estaba cansada de tratar de convencerlo.

Tom tried to convince Mary not to go.

Tom trató de convencer a Mary de no ir.

She couldn't convince him to ride a horse.

Ella no lo pudo convencer de que montara un caballo.

In vain have I tried to convince him.

Traté en vano de convencerlo.

What we have to do is convince Tom.

Lo que tenemos que hacer es convencer a Tom.

We have to convince Tom to stay here.

Tenemos que convencer a Tom de que se quede aquí.

I tried to convince him of my innocence.

Traté de convencerlo de mi inocencia.

She couldn't convince him to accept the bribe.

Ella no pudo convencerlo de aceptar el soborno.

She couldn't convince him to give a speech.

Ella no lo pudo convencer de que diera un discurso.

I'm trying to convince Tom to do that.

Estoy intentando convencer a Tom para que lo haga.

To convince them to tweet out your article.

convencerlos de twitear tu artículo.

- I think there's no point in trying to convince him.
- I think there's no point in trying to convince her.

Yo pienso que no sirve de nada intentar convencerle.

If you've ever tried to convince somebody of something

Si alguna vez trataron de convencer de algo a alguien

Tom tried to convince Mary to have a threesome.

Tom intentó convencer a Mary para hacer un trío.

Write down the facts needed to convince other people.

Anota todos los hechos que sean útiles para convencer a la gente.

Tom knew Mary wouldn't be able to convince anybody.

Tom sabía que María no sería capaz de convencer a nadie.

Tom tried to convince Mary that he was right.

Tom intentó convencer a Mary de que él tenía razón.

What do I have to say to convince you?

¿Qué tengo que decir para convencerte?

Tom tried to convince Mary to stay in Boston.

Tom trató de convencer a María de quedarse en Boston.

She couldn't convince him to accept a personal check.

No lo pudo convencer de que aceptara un cheque personal.

She couldn't convince him to ask for a loan.

Ella no lo pudo convencer de que pidiera un préstamo.

It'll be hard to convince Tom to help us.

- Será difícil convencer a Tom de que nos ayude.
- Nos costará convencer a Tom para que nos ayude.

The rest of the talk will try to convince you

El resto de la charla intentará convencerlos

I'll convince you to buy the next book I write,

te convenceré para que compres el próximo libro que escriba

If you convince them or if you care about them.

Si les convencen o si se preocupan por ellos.

I have managed to convince a couple of antivirus companies

He logrado convencer a algunas empresas de antivirus

While people convince themselves that they are doing nothing wrong.

mientras las personas se convencen de que no están haciendo nada malo.

Whoever wants to marry her must first convince her father.

Cualquiera que quiera casarse con ella, primero tiene que convencer a su padre.

What would you say to convince him to buy one?

¿Qué le dirías para convencerlo de que compre uno?

It is no use trying to convince him of that.

- Es inútil intentar convencerle de eso.
- Es inútil tratar de convencerlo de eso.

Tom might be able to convince Mary to do that.

Tom podría ser capaz de convencer a Mary para que hiciera eso.

I think there's no point in trying to convince her.

Yo pienso que no sirve de nada intentar convencerle.

I think there's no point in trying to convince him.

Yo pienso que no sirve de nada intentar convencerle.

She couldn't convince him to buy her a new car.

Ella no lo pudo convencer para que le comprara un auto nuevo.

She couldn't convince him to write a song for her.

Ella no lo pudo convencer de que le escribiera una canción.

She was asked to convince him to paint the house.

Le pidieron que lo convenciera de pintar la casa.

He tried to convince them of his innocence in vain.

En vano trató él de convencerlos de su inocencia.

Tom will try to convince Mary to accept your offer.

Tom tratará de convencer a Mary de que acepte tu oferta.

It'll be hard to convince Tom to go with us.

- Será duro convencer a Tom para venirse con nosotros.
- Será difícil convencer a Tom para que venga con nosotros.
- Nos costará convencer a Tom para que nos acompañe.

Tom has been trying to convince Mary to quit smoking.

Tom ha estado intentando convencer a Mary de que deje de fumar.

If I can convince other marketers to link to me,

Si puedo convencer a otros marketers para vincularme,