Translation of "Conceited" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Conceited" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

You're conceited.

Tú eres arrogante.

Tom seems conceited.

Tom parece arrogante.

Tom is conceited.

Tom es arrogante.

Tom is quite conceited.

Tom es bastante arrogante.

Tom is very conceited.

Tom es muy arrogante.

We're becoming too conceited.

Nos hemos vuelto demasiado vanidosos.

Tom says I'm conceited.

Tom dice que soy vanidoso.

- I think Tom is conceited.
- I think that Tom is conceited.

Creo que Tom es presuntuoso.

Tom is conceited, isn't he?

Tom es vanidoso, ¿no lo es?

I would have gotten conceited.

Yo habría sido arrogante.

Tom used to be conceited.

Tom solía ser presuntuoso.

Tom is a bit conceited.

Tom es un poco arrogante.

You seem a bit conceited.

Tú pareces un poco vanidoso.

Everyone is more or less conceited.

Todo el mundo es más o menos vanidoso.

Tom is really conceited, isn't he?

Tom es realmente soberbio, ¿o no?

Tom is pretty conceited, isn't he?

Tom es bastante orgulloso, ¿o no?

Tom is quite conceited, isn't he?

Tom es bastante vanidoso, ¿no lo es?

Tom is very conceited, isn't he?

Tom es muy soberbio, ¿o no?

His conceited attitude makes me mad.

- Su actitud vanidosa me pone enfermo.
- Su actitud engreida me enfurece.

Do people ever accuse you of being conceited?

¿Alguna vez te ha acusado la gente de ser vanidoso?

Conceited people take it for granted that they are superior to others.

- Los engreídos dan por hecho que son superiores a los demás.
- La gente orgullosa da por sentado que son superiores a los demás.

As is often the case with 13 to 19 year olds, she's conceited.

Como suele ser el caso entre los 13 y 19 años, ella es presumida.

He may have lowbrow tastes but at least he's not snooty and conceited.

Él puede que tenga gustos nada refinados, pero al menos no es arrogante y presumido.

As is quite common for teenagers aged from 13 to 19, she's conceited.

Como es bastante común para los adolescentes entre 13 y 19, ella es vanidosa.

- You’re a show-off.
- You’re so arrogant.
- You’re so conceited.
- You’re so full of yourself.

Eres una presumida.

- As is quite common for teenagers aged from 13 to 19, she's conceited.
- As is quite common for teenagers aged from 13 to 19, she's vain.
- As is quite common for teenagers aged from 13 to 19, she's full of herself.
- As is often the case with 13 to 19 year olds, she's conceited.
- As is often the case with teenagers, she's conceited.

Como es a menudo el caso con los adolescentes, ella es orgullosa.

In the style of conceited people, he lards his sentences with ill-digested English words. A kind of failed dandy, deprived of class.

En el estilo de la gente engreída, él condimenta sus frases con palabras inglesas mal digeridas. Una especie de dandy fracasado, sin clase.

- His affectations are annoying.
- His pretentiousness is irritating.
- His smug behavior is offensive.
- His conceited attitude makes me mad.
- His snobbish attitude gets on my nerves.

Su actitud chulesca me pone de los nervios.