Translation of "'were'" in Korean

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Examples of using "'were'" in a sentence and their korean translations:

Were restored.

다시 회복했습니다.

Were heartbreaking.

가슴이 찢어지는 것 같았지요.

Paints were peeling, there were cracks everywhere.

페인트는 벗겨지고 건물은 온통 갈라져 있더라고요.

Were essentially unattainable.

본질적으로 달성 불가능합니다.

Cities were abandoned.

도시는 파괴되었습니다.

Casualties were high.

그 결과 사상자가 많이 발생했다.

We were surprised.

그래서 깜짝 놀랐지요.

Supplies were cheap.

보급품은 싸더군요.

They were first.

자신이 첫번째라는 겁니다.

If you were with him, or if he were here,

당신이 그 아이와 있거나 그 아이가 여기 있다면

More than 60 people were killed, and thousands were injured.

60명 이상이 사망했고 수천 명의 부상자가 발생했죠.

And many were mothers while they were still children themselves.

아직 어린 아이인데 엄마가 되었다는 거죠.

There were many people who were very different from it.

아주 다르게 반응하는 사람이 많았다는 것입니다.

Were we rich? No.

우리가 부자냐고요? 아닙니다.

The services were elevated,

서비스가 향상되었다고 느꼈어요.

We were having breakfast.

아침 식사를 하면서

Were conflicting and incomplete.

그와 대조적이기도 하고 모호하기도 했습니다.

These marks were identical,

이 마크들은 동일했지만

The ancients were mistaken.

고대인들이 잘못 생각했어요.

They were real comfortable.

정말 편안했어요.

What were their responses?

학생들은 뭐라고 답했을까요?

These roles were stereotypes

이런 역할들은 고정관념적이며

Were not sufficiently disquieting,

그렇게 불안하게 느껴지지 않은 분이 계시다면

We were pretty excited.

저희는 매우 흥분했습니다.

They were tech billionaires.

다들 억만장자들이었는데

There were 1,200 porters...

짐꾼이 1,200명이나 있었어요.

You were either a warrior or you were a sole breadwinner.

전사이거나 생계를 부양할 가장이었어요.

All of the things that I thought were valuable were gone,

제가 소중하게 여기던 모든 것들을 잃고 나서

We were told we were now prime candidates for family estrangement.

우리 가족이 아마 뿔뿔이 흩어질 것이라는 얘기를 들었습니다.

So the things that we were speculating were really coming true.

그러니까, 저희가 상상한 것들에 현실감이 떨어지는 것이겠죠.

There were lots of actual mistakes that were done along the way.

그 과정에서 아주 많은 실수가 있었습니다.

So there were no control measures, there were no interventions, no vaccine,

즉, 어떠한 통제장치, 백신도 없으며,

My talks were pretty simple:

강연 내용은 꽤 간단했어요.

And they were slowly dying.

서서히 죽는다고 생각했어요.

There were actually eugenics programs

실제로 우생학 프로그램은

Everything they were taking in

사람들이 받아들이는 모든 수단 말입니다.

We were having a conversation.

대화를 나누는 중이었죠.

When they were not present.

그들에 대해 부정적으로 말하는 것을 알아냈습니다.

They were the community healers,

그들은 공동체의 치료자였으며

There were no flowering plants,

화훼식물은 없는데,

And no cabs were answering.

택시도 잡히지 않았습니다.

Our institutions were functioning again.

기관들은 다시 제대로 작동했고요.

Our children were smiling again,

아이들은 다시 미소를 되찾았고요.

There were Post-it notes.

포스트잇이 있었고,

The walls were so thick,

벽은 아주 두꺼웠고

There were 55 of them.

일하는 사람들이 55명이 있었어요.

The other half were decreased.

나머지 절반의 활동량은 줄어들었습니다.

And some were quite personal.

그 중에는 굉장히 개인적인 사진들도 많았습니다.

So things were going OK.

그래서 상황은 나쁘지 않았어요.

Were moving and making sounds,

움직이면서 소리를 낸다면

We were a mini studio.

저희는 소규모 스튜디오였죠.

And there were some adjustments,

그 후에 몇몇 수정된 게 있었어요.

People were suffering and struggling,

사람들은 고통에서 벗어나기 위해 발버둥 치고 있었고

I thought you were smart."

당신이 똑똑한 줄 알았는데."

Were chucked by American farmers.

미국 농민들에 의해 버려졌습니다.

When these photos were taken,

이 사진을 찍을 당시

Early on, filibusters were rare.

초기에는 필리버스터가 드물었습니다.

Relying on were impressively accurate.

그가 믿고 있던 기온 예측이 인상적으로 정확했음을 알 수 있습니다

Were about these mathematical ideas

이와 같은 시각적 게임을 통해 배운

If you were to ask me

여러분들이 저에게 물으신다면,

Were talking negatively about their colleagues

동료들이 자리에 없을 때

They were sent out from Thebes;

병사들은 테베에서 서쪽으로 떠났죠.

And we were waiting and waiting.

하염없이 기다리고 있었습니다.

Night came, and monsters were everywhere.

밤이 오고 괴물들이 잔뜩 나타났죠.

A lot of people were killed.

많은 사람이 살해당하고

Is why dinosaurs were so successful.

왜 공룡들이 그렇게 성공적이었는가입니다.

But no other tests were amiss,

다른 검사에선 문제가 없었습니다.

Those were my most painful memories.

이건 제게 아주 끔찍한 기억입니다.

At how ignorant we all were.

우리가 얼마나 바보같았는지.

Entity of which we were ignorant,

우리가 잘 모르는 어떤 이질적인 실체,

And there were no more problems.

아무런 문제도 없었죠.

Legal scholars were calling these things

법학자들이 이런 차별을

The warning lights were on, absolutely,

경고등은 켜졌습니다. 네 그렇습니다.

And they were excellent team workers.

이들은 또한 놀라운 협동심을 발휘했습니다.

And they were basically having fun.

함께 일하는 것에 즐거움을 느꼈습니다.

We've known since we were babies.

우리가 아기였을 때부터 알고 있던 것이니까요.

That you were planning on writing.

시를 이미 썼습니다.

Even if Belle's story were true,

만약 벨의 이야기가 사실이라고 하더라도

There were literally hundreds of them.

말 그대로 수백 개는 되더군요.

There were 2,000 varieties of peaches,

2000종류의 복숭아가,

And those were some tough years.

몇 년간 정말 힘들었죠.

They were not getting better anymore.

상황은 더 이상 나아지지 않고 있었죠.

Mom and baby were doing great.

어머니와 아이는 잘 지내고 있었습니다.

Five warehouses were raided in Turkey,

터키에 있는 창고 다섯 곳이 급습을 받았고,

Napoleon’s flanks were secure, for now.

이로써 당분간은, 나폴레옹의 양측면이 안전해지게 되었다.

We were already short on supplies.

이미 보급품이 바닥나기 시작했어요.

We were given documents that described

평가 대상이 되는 지역을 묘사하는

That you were absolutely closest with.

아주 친밀한 존재지

The top answers for men were

남성에게 가장 중요한 건

At least 24 vehicles were damaged

최소 24대 차량은 운전자들이

My mom and dad were there.

우리 엄마와 아빠가 거기 있었고

Scott and his team were heartbroken.

스콧과 그의 팀은 상심했습니다

1.6 million Tumblr blogs were examined

160만개의 Tumblr 블로그들이 조사되었는데,

Said that they were luck-driven.

자신들은 운에 의해 움직인다고 말했습니다

We were in a fast food restaurant, and the two boys were sitting at a table,

우리는 패스트푸드점에 있었고, 두 아이는 탁자에 앉아있었습니다.

Only few people were interested in that,

정말 극소수만이 이 분야에 관심을 가졌습니다.

Already in 2011, computers were fast enough

이미 2011년에 컴퓨터는 매우 빨라져서

On who they were as a person.

사람 됨됨이로 말이죠.

And some were as late as 1956.

일부는 1956년까지도 존재했습니다.