Translation of "Divide" in Japanese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Divide" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Divide it among the three.


Divide the candies among you.


- Divide this cake among you three.
- Divide the cake among the three of you.


Or "Bridging the great generational divide."


Divide the cake among you three.


Divide the pizza among you three.

- そのピザを三人で分けなさい。
- ピザは3人で分けてね。

Divide the cake between you two.


Divide these apples between you three.


Divide its length and breadth by ten.


Divide this line into twenty equal parts.


Take the apple and divide it into halves.

- その林檎を取って半分に割りなさい。
- そのりんごを採って半分に切りなさい。

Let's divide this money between you and me.


That often our school system perpetuates the social divide.

多くの場合 学校制度が社会の分断を 固定化させているということです

You may recognize a divide like this in your life.

皆さんも こういう溝を 感じることがあるかもしれません

It is wrong to divide language into "living" and "dead".


Those two divide to become four, and eight, and so on --

その2つは4つに 次は8つ といった具合で

Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.


How can three men divide $5? I'll give each of them only $1, and I'll keep $2.


Divide the pile of documents equally, and take them one by one to either side of the room.


- If you divide any number by zero, the result is undefined.
- The result of dividing any number by zero is undefined.


- We will separate our home's large land equally for our children.
- We will divide the large area of family land equally between our children.


"All right then, since there's seven of us, Tom can divide the cake up into seven parts." "Why me? Why should I be the one who divides it into seven parts?" "Well, you study mathematics! A single-digit natural number – should be a piece of cake!" "Students of mathematics learn nothing about dividing cakes!"

「よし、7人だからトムに7等分してもらおう」「なんで俺? 7等分とか無理に決まってんじゃん」「お前数学科だろ? 1桁の自然数くらい余裕じゃねえの?」「数学科でケーキの切り分け方とか習わねえし」