Translation of "Nicer" in Hungarian

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Nicer" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

Be nicer to Tom.

Légy kedvesebb Tomihoz!

- Tom should've been nicer to Mary.
- Tom should have been nicer to Mary.

Tomnak kedvesebbnek kellett volna lennie Marihoz.

- I should've been nicer to Tom.
- I should have been nicer to Tom.

Kedvesebbnek kellett volna lennem Tomhoz.

- My car is nicer than Tom's.
- My car is nicer than Tom's car.

Az én kocsim szebb, mint a Tomié.

The mountains look nicer from a distance.

Messziről szebbnek tűnnek a hegyek.

Tom is nicer to me than Mary is.

Tamás rendesebb, mint Mari.