Translation of "Important" in Hungarian

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "Important" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

- Tom's important.
- Tom is important.

Tom fontos.

- You are important.
- You're important.

Fontos vagy.

- It's not important.
- It isn't important.
- That's not important.

Ez nem fontos.

- It's not important.
- It isn't important.
- It's not important!

- Ez nem fontos.
- Nem fontos.

- This is very important.
- It's very important.
- That's very important.

Ez nagyon fontos.

- Is it important?
- Is that important?

Az fontos?

- That's important.
- It's important.
- It matters.

Ez számít.

- It's very important.
- It's very important!

Ez nagyon fontos.

I'm important.

Fontos vagyok.

It's important.

Ez fontos.

How important?

- Milyen fontos?
- Mennyire fontos?

- This is not important.
- This isn't important.

Ez nem fontos.

- That's very important.
- That is very important.

Ez nagyon fontos.

- This is not important.
- It's not important.

Ez nem fontos.

- It's not very important.
- That isn't very important.
- It isn't very important.

Ez nem igazán fontos.

- It is important for me.
- To me, it is important.
- For me, it's important.
- To me, it's important.
- That's important to me.
- For me, it is important.

- Nekem ez fontos.
- Ez fontos nekem.

- It is important for me.
- To me, it is important.
- For me, it's important.
- To me, it's important.
- For me, it is important.

Nekem ez fontos.

- To me, it is important.
- For me, it's important.
- To me, it's important.

Nekem ez fontos.

- For me, it's important.
- To me, it's important.
- For me, it is important.

- Nekem ez fontos.
- Ez fontos nekem.
- Számomra ez fontos.

- You are big.
- You are important.
- You're important.

Fontos vagy.

- It's not important anymore.
- It isn't important anymore.

Nem fontos többé.

- That's not so important.
- That isn't so important.

Ez nem olyan fontos.

- This is more important!
- This is more important.

Ez fontosabb.

- To read books is important.
- It's important to read books.
- Reading books is important.

Fontos, hogy olvassunk könyveket.

It's very important -

ez meghatározó –

It's that important.

Ennyire lényeges.

What's so important?

Mi olyan fontos?

Is it important?

Fontos ez?

Birthdays are important.

A születésnapok fontosak.

Anniversaries are important.

Az évfordulók fontosak.

Experience is important.

Fontos a tapasztalat.

Looks are important.

A kinézet fontos.

You are important.

Fontosak vagytok.

This is important.

Ez fontos.

Charley is important.

Karcsi fontos.

Ideas are important.

Az ötletek fontosak.

Family is important.

Fontos a család.

That was important.

Fontos volt.

Diet is important.

A diéta fontos.

Rest is important.

A pihenés fontos.

Planning is important.

A tervezés fontos dolog.

They're not important.

Nem fontosak.

Beauty isn't important.

A szépség nem fontos.

It wasn't important.

Nem volt fontos.

It's really important.

Tényleg fontos.

It's terribly important.

Szörnyen fontos.

It's vitally important.


That's what's important.

Ez a fontos.

Skincare is important.

A bőrápolás fontos.

That's not important.

Ez nem fontos.

What's more important?

Mi a fontosabb?

Awareness is important.

Fontos a tudatosság.

Education is important.

- Számít a képzettség.
- Fontos az iskolázottság.

It's not important!

Ez nem fontos!

- To me, it is important.
- To me, it's important.

- Nekem ez fontos.
- Ez fontos nekem.
- Számomra ez fontos.

- For me, it's important.
- For me, it is important.

- Nekem ez fontos.
- Ez fontos nekem.

Personality is important, but looks are important as well.

A személyiség fontos, de a kinézet is.

- I know that this is important.
- I know it's important.
- I know this is important.

Tudom, hogy ez fontos.

- For me, it's important.
- It matters to me.
- It's important to me.
- This is important to me.
- For me, it is important.

Ez fontos nekem.

- It is important for me.
- To me, it is important.
- For me, it's important.
- I care.

Nekem ez fontos.

Because relationships are important.

ennyire fontosak a kapcsolatok.

And that's really important,

Ez nagyon fontos,

It holds important implications

azzal jelentősen befolyásolhatjuk,

A really important concept.

Nagyon fontos alapelv.

And that's very important.

Ez nagyon fontos.

And it's really important,

Ez igen fontos,

This is very important.

Ez nagyon fontos.

It's an important step.

Fontos lépés.

For me, it's important.

Ez egy fontos dolog számomra.

That's important to me.

- Az fontos nekem.
- Ez fontos számomra.

It might be important.

Talán fontos lehet.

It could be important.

Fontos lehet.

It's kind of important.

- Ez eléggé fontos.
- Ez elég lényeges.

This test is important.

Ez a teszt fontos.

Orthography is very important.

A helyesírás nagyon fontos.

This must be important.

Ez biztosan fontos.

It's important to me.

Ez fontos nekem.

Your friendship is important.

Fontos a barátságod.

Tom says it's important.

- Tomi azt mondja, hogy fontos.
- Azt mondja Tomi, ez fontos.

Those factors are important.

Ezek fontos tényezők.

Nothing else is important.

- Nem fontos semmi más.
- Más nem fontos.

Both are very important.

Mindkettő nagyon fontos.

How important is Tom?

Mennyire fontos Tom?

Boston is very important.

Boston nagyon fontos.

Friends are very important.

A barátok nagyon fontosak.